Buried in my pillow are the marks of your mistake; Buried in my pillow are the marks of your mistake; Enterrado no meu travesseiro estão as marcas do seu erro; As soon as I lay down I'll feel them closing in. As soon as I lay down I'll feel them closing in. E logo elas vão deitar eu sinto elas chegando mais perto Like hitting replay, I'm already there... Like hitting replay, I'm already there... Como bater no "replay",eu estou pronta aqui... Going through the story Going through the story Passando pela história I should've never lived. I should've never lived. Que eu nunca deveria ter vivido Pull me through this endless night. Pull me through this endless night. Me puxe por esta noite infinita There's a ghost by the door, There's a ghost by the door, Há um fantasma pela porta, There's a memory that won't let me go. There's a memory that won't let me go. Há uma memória que não me deixa ir Will you please set me free Will you please set me free Será que você vai me deixar ser livre From the burden that won't let me sleep? From the burden that won't let me sleep? Vai me libertar da aflição? Buried in my pillow, to forever taint my dreams, Buried in my pillow, to forever taint my dreams, Enterrado no meu travesseiro,para sempre manchando meus sonhos, Are those hurtful moments I should have never lived. Are those hurtful moments I should have never lived. são aqueles momentos que magoa que eu nunca deveria ter vivido I'll try anything to stay awake, I'll try anything to stay awake, Vou tentar qualquer coisa para ficar acordada And forget the story that's taking the best of me. And forget the story that's taking the best of me. E esquecer a história que está tirando o melhor de mim Pull me through this endless night. Pull me through this endless night. Puxe-me dessa noite infinita There's a ghost by the door, There's a ghost by the door, Há um fantasma pela porta There's a memory that won't let me go. There's a memory that won't let me go. Há uma memória que não me deixa ir Should I keep looking in, Should I keep looking in, Devo continuar a procurar por ele In the hope I'll ever feel again? In the hope I'll ever feel again? na esperança de eu nunca sentir novamente? I don't know... I don't know... Eu não sei... There's a ghost There's a ghost Há um fantasma Bearing memories that won't let me go. Bearing memories that won't let me go. Usando memórias que não me deixam ir Will you please set me free Will you please set me free Será que você vai me deixar ser livre From the burden that won't let me be? From the burden that won't let me be? Da aflição que não me deixa ser?