
Will My Soul Ever Rest In Peace?

Irá Minha Alma Descansar em Paz?

I've been searching for an oasis I've been searching for an oasis Eu estive procurando por um oasis In the desert for so long In the desert for so long No deserto por tanto tempo In my weakness trying In my weakness trying Em minha fraqueza tentando To pretend I'm strong To pretend I'm strong Fingir que sou forte I've been holding on I've been holding on Eu tenho agüentado firme To things that I have left behind To things that I have left behind Para as coisas que eu deixei para trás I've been scared and lonely I've been scared and lonely Eu estive assustado e sozinho I'm crippled inside. I'm crippled inside. Estou incapacitado por dentro. Bathing my soul in the starlight Bathing my soul in the starlight Banhando minha alma na luz das estrelas Healed my wounds in the sun Healed my wounds in the sun Curei minhas feridas sob o sol Screamed my pain to the forest Screamed my pain to the forest Gritei minha dor para a floresta Asking the question why? Asking the question why? Perguntando por quê? Will there come a time for me when I find peace of mind Will there come a time for me when I find peace of mind Virá um tempo para mim quando eu encontrar a paz da mente? Will I always have this feeling like I'm last in the line Will I always have this feeling like I'm last in the line Terá eu sempre este sentimento de como se eu fosse o último na linha? I will climb up the mountain and light up a candle and ask: I will climb up the mountain and light up a candle and ask: Eu escalarei a montanha, acenderei uma vela e perguntarei: "Will my soul ever rest in peace?" "Will my soul ever rest in peace?" "Irá minha alma descansar em paz?" I've been washed in pain I've been washed in pain Eu tenho me lavado em dor Haunted by the ghosts of years ago Haunted by the ghosts of years ago Caçado pelos fantásmas dos anos anteriores They won't leave me be They won't leave me be Eles não me deixarão ser They keep coming back for more They keep coming back for more Eles se mantêm para voltar para mais Will there come a time for me when I find peace of mind Will there come a time for me when I find peace of mind Virá um tempo para mim quando eu encontrar a paz da mente? Will I always have this feeling like I'm last in the line Will I always have this feeling like I'm last in the line Terá eu sempre este sentimento de como se eu fosse o último na linha? I will climb up the mountain and light up a candle and ask: I will climb up the mountain and light up a candle and ask: Eu escalarei a montanha, acenderei uma vela e perguntarei: "Will my soul ever rest in peace?" "Will my soul ever rest in peace?" "Irá minha alma descansar em paz?" My crippled soul is yearning to be free. My crippled soul is yearning to be free. Minha alma aleijada anseia para ser livre.

Composição: Tolkki / Lyrics: Tolkki

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