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Espaço de Sonho

Looking back through time to my childhood days Looking back through time to my childhood days Olhando atrás por tempo a meus dias de infância. I used to have a place where I could escape the reality I used to have a place where I could escape the reality Eu tinha um lugar onde eu poderia escapar realidade. But lately things have been so difficult for me But lately things have been so difficult for me Mas ultimamente coisas foram tão difíceis para mim. trying to reach for the light in the fall of darkness trying to reach for the light in the fall of darkness Tentando alcançar para a luz, no outono de escuridão. Waiting watching my life I'm wasting my time Waiting watching my life I'm wasting my time Vigilância de espera minha vida, eu estou desperdiçando meu tempo, I'm losing grip from life I'm losing grip from life eu sou aperto perdedor de vida. Going back to my dreamspace leaving it all behind Going back to my dreamspace leaving it all behind Voltando para meu espaço de sonho deixando tudo pra trás. soon the things will be allright when I get there soon the things will be allright when I get there Logo as coisas estarão bem, quando eu chegar lá. Am I safe in here, nothing left to fear Am I safe in here, nothing left to fear Estou seguro aqui, nada partiu para temer. I will close my eyes and float away with stream I will close my eyes and float away with stream Eu fecharei meus olhos e flutuarei com o fluxo. Wandering here in this eternal darkness Wandering here in this eternal darkness Vagando aqui nesta escuridão eterna. no signs of light anywhere I am going in sane no signs of light anywhere I am going in sane Nenhum sinal de luz em qualquer lugar, Estou ficando insano. Now I am leaving this life Now I am leaving this life Agora eu estou deixando esta vida No hope left I want to die No hope left I want to die nenhuma esperança deixada eu quero morrer!

Composição: Timo Tolkki

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