Tempos de loucuras tomam conta da minha mente Seasons of madness fill my mind Seasons of madness fill my mind Um poeta lunar tentando achar A lunar poet trying to find A lunar poet trying to find Uma concepção do que é toda a vida A conception of what life is all about A conception of what life is all about Os segundos passam por mim e eu recebo os minutos Seconds pass me by I greet the minutes Seconds pass me by I greet the minutes E as horas os substituem A the hours roll them over A the hours roll them over E os anos irão extinguir os dias e os meses And years will drown the days and months And years will drown the days and months Nós somos únicos, somos estranhos na noite We are one, we are strangers in the night We are one, we are strangers in the night Buscando nosso caminho para a luz Searching for our way to the light Searching for our way to the light Como um eco de fantasias invisíveis Like an echo of unseen fantasies Like an echo of unseen fantasies Que você nunca poderá agarrar That you'll never be able to catch That you'll never be able to catch Uma gota no oceano, nós estamos navegando A drop in the ocean we're sailing upon A drop in the ocean we're sailing upon Os anjos celestiais estão cantando esta canção The angels of heaven are singing this song The angels of heaven are singing this song Apenas almas no canto de nosso universo Just souls in the corner of our universe Just souls in the corner of our universe Parece que é tudo o que somos It seems that it's all we are It seems that it's all we are Uma gota no oceano A drop in the ocean A drop in the ocean Caravanas planetárias navegam sem parar Planet caravans sail on and on Planet caravans sail on and on Numa harmonia cósmica elas se vão In cosmic harmony they go In cosmic harmony they go Para dentro do acolhimento do útero universal Within embrace of universal womb Within embrace of universal womb É loucura cósmica, harmonia? Is it cosmic madness, harmony? Is it cosmic madness, harmony? Eu lhe pergunto em minha agonia I ask you in my agony I ask you in my agony Assim como o tempo não cicatrizará minhas feridas Isto me deixa entorpecido As time won't heal my wounds it makes me numb As time won't heal my wounds it makes me numb Nós somos únicos, somos estranhos na noite We are one, we are strangers in the night We are one, we are strangers in the night Buscando nosso caminho para a luz Searching for our way to the light Searching for our way to the light Como um eco de fantasias invisíveis Like an echo of unseen fantasies Like an echo of unseen fantasies Que você nunca poderá agarrar That you'll never be able to catch That you'll never be able to catch Uma gota no oceano, nós estamos navegando A drop in the ocean we're sailing upon A drop in the ocean we're sailing upon Os anjos celestiais estão cantando esta canção The angels of heaven are singing this song The angels of heaven are singing this song Apenas almas no canto de nosso universo Just souls in the corner of our universe Just souls in the corner of our universe Parece que é tudo o que somos It seems that it's all we are It seems that it's all we are Uma gota no oceano A drop in the ocean we're sailing upon A drop in the ocean we're sailing upon Os anjos celestiais estão cantando esta canção The angels of heaven are singing this song The angels of heaven are singing this song Apenas almas no canto de nosso universo Just souls in the corner of our universe Just souls in the corner of our universe Parece que é tudo o que somos It seems that it's all we are It seems that it's all we are Uma gota no oceano A drop in the ocean A drop in the ocean