When It's all burning... when it's over... When It's all burning... when it's over... Quando tudo está queimando... quando tudo se acabou... When it's all said and done, When it's all said and done, Quando tudo foi dito e feito, Were we ever even alive? Were we ever even alive? Alguma vez estivemos vivos? This keeps repeating in my head- This keeps repeating in my head- Isto fica se repetindo na minha cabeça- We should prepare for the worst... We should prepare for the worst... Devemos nos preparar para o pior... When it's all burning... will we see clearly? When it's all burning... will we see clearly? Quando tudo está queimando... veremos claramente? Will we suffer at all? Will we suffer at all? Iremos sofrer afinal? Oh, it'll be perfect - running scared... Oh, it'll be perfect - running scared... Oh, isto será perfeito - correndo assustados... This keeps repeating in my head- This keeps repeating in my head- Isto fica se repetindo na minha cabeça- We should prepare for the worst... We should prepare for the worst... Devemos nos preparar para o pior... The sky is falling - people running scared... The sky is falling - people running scared... O céu está caindo - pessoas correndo assustadas... This could be better for the world. This could be better for the world. Isto pode ser melhor para o mundo. When it's all said and done, When it's all said and done, Quando tudo foi dito e feito, Who will remember you? Who will remember you? Quem lembrará de você? When it's all coming down, When it's all coming down, Quando tudo está vindo abaixo, Who will remember me? Who will remember me? Quem lembrará de mim? This keeps repeating in my head- This keeps repeating in my head- Isto fica se repetindo na minha cabeça- We should prepare for the worst... We should prepare for the worst... Devemos nos preparar para o pior... The sky is falling - people running scared... The sky is falling - people running scared... O céu está caindo - pessoas correndo assustadas... This could be better for the world. This could be better for the world. Isto pode ser melhor para o mundo. This keeps repeating in my head- This keeps repeating in my head- Isto fica se repetindo na minha cabeça- We should prepare for the worst... We should prepare for the worst... Devemos nos preparar para o pior...