
Too Cool Queenie

Tão Legal Queenie

There was this girl There was this girl Havia esta garota Who lived not too long ago Who lived not too long ago Quem viveu não muito tempo atrás As a matter of fact I think As a matter of fact I think Por uma questão de fato, eu acho que She lives still She lives still Ela ainda vive She knew she could do no wrong She knew she could do no wrong Ela sabia que não podia fazer nada errado Just singin' those songs Just singin' those songs Apenas cantando aquelas músicas That we all knew That we all knew que todos nós conhecíamos She would always crash the party She would always crash the party Ela sempre quebrava a festa It was no surprise It was no surprise Não foi surpresa It was for her It was for her Foi para ela Too Cool Queenie Too Cool Queenie Muito legal Queenie There was this boy There was this boy Havia um garoto He played in a rock-n-roll band He played in a rock-n-roll band Ele tocou em uma banda de rock-n-roll And he wasn't half-bad, And he wasn't half-bad, E ele não estava meio ruim, At saving the world At saving the world Ao salvar o mundo She said he could do no right She said he could do no right Ela disse que ele não podia fazer nada direito So he took his life So he took his life Então ele tirou sua vida His story is true His story is true Sua história é verdadeira It's ok cause what goes around, comes around It's ok cause what goes around, comes around Tudo bem porque o que vai, volta It's all right cause what goes around, comes around It's all right cause what goes around, comes around Tá tudo bem porque o vai, volta And now this girl, And now this girl, E agora esta menina, Yeah she got real famous Yeah she got real famous Sim, ela ficou realmente famosa And she made lots of money and And she made lots of money and E ela fez muito dinheiro e Some of his too Some of his too Alguns de seus também But still she thinks she can do no wrong But still she thinks she can do no wrong Mas ela ainda pensa que ela pode fazer nada errado Just playing those songs Just playing those songs Basta tocar aquelas músicas She's all too cool She's all too cool Ela é muito legal

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