


Packing my bags -- going away Packing my bags -- going away Pegando minhas malas, indo embora To a place where the air is clean To a place where the air is clean Para um lugar onde o ar e' limpo On Saturn On Saturn Em Saturno There's no sense to sit and watch people die There's no sense to sit and watch people die Não existe sentido em sentar e ver pessoas morrendo We don't fight our wars the way you do We don't fight our wars the way you do Nós não lutamos nossas guerras do jeito que voçes fazem We put back all the things we use We put back all the things we use Nós deixamos para trás todas as coisas que usávamos On Saturn On Saturn Em Saturno There's no sense to keep on doing such crimes There's no sense to keep on doing such crimes Não existe sentido em continuar a fazer esses crimes There's no principles in what you say There's no principles in what you say Não existe princípios nas coisas que voçes falam No direction in the things you do No direction in the things you do Nem direçao nas coisas que voçes fazem For your world is soon to come to a close For your world is soon to come to a close Para o seu mundo que esta prestes a um fim Through the ages all great men have taught Through the ages all great men have taught Por tempos todos os grandes homens nos falaram Truth and happiness just can't be bought - or sold Truth and happiness just can't be bought - or sold Que verdade e felicidade nao se podem ser compradas ou vendidas Tell me why are you people so cold Tell me why are you people so cold Me digam porque voçes são pessoas tão frias I'm.... I'm.... Eu estou Going back to Saturn where the rings all glow Going back to Saturn where the rings all glow voltando de volta para Saturno,onde todos os anéis brilham Rainbow, moonbeams and orange snow Rainbow, moonbeams and orange snow Arco iris,luz das luas e neve laranja On Saturn On Saturn Em Saturno People live to be two hundred and five People live to be two hundred and five As pessoas vivem para ter 205 anos Going back to Saturn where the people smile Going back to Saturn where the people smile Voltando para Saturno onde as pessoas sorriem Don't need cars cause we've learned to fly Don't need cars cause we've learned to fly Não precisamos de carros porque aprendemos a voar On Saturn On Saturn Em Saturno Just to live to us is our natural high Just to live to us is our natural high Apenas viver e' o que temos de melhor na vida We have come here many times before We have come here many times before Nós viemos aqui muitas vezes antes To find your strategy to peace is war To find your strategy to peace is war Para acharmos sua estrategia de paz que e´a guerra Killing helpless men, women and children Killing helpless men, women and children Matando indefesos homens ,mulheres e crianças That don't even know what they're dying for That don't even know what they're dying for que nem sabem para que estão morrendo We can't trust you when you take a stand We can't trust you when you take a stand Não podemos confiar quando voçes levantam With a gun and bible in your hand With a gun and bible in your hand Com uma arma e bíblia em suas mãos And the cold expression on your face And the cold expression on your face com uma expressão fria na face Saying give us what we want or we'll destroy Saying give us what we want or we'll destroy dizendo nos de oque queremos ou entao nos iremos destruir I'm.... I'm.... Eu estou Going back to Saturn where the rings all glow Going back to Saturn where the rings all glow voltando para Saturno,onde os anéis brilham Rainbow, moonbeams and orange snow Rainbow, moonbeams and orange snow arco iris ,luz das luas e neve laranja On Saturn On Saturn em Saturno People live to be two hundred and five People live to be two hundred and five pessoas vivem ate 205 anos Going back to Saturn where the people smile Going back to Saturn where the people smile voltando para Saturno onde as pessoas sorriem Don't need cars cause we've learned to fly Don't need cars cause we've learned to fly não precisamos de carro porque nós aprendemos a voar On Saturn On Saturn Em Saturno Just to live to us is our natural high Just to live to us is our natural high apenas viver são os nossos melhores momentos

Composição: Michael Sembello/Stevie Wonder

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