
My Little Reason Why

Minha Pequena Razão Pela Qual

Cold palace walls Cold palace walls Paredes frias do palácio And endless empty halls And endless empty halls E infinitos corredores vazios Haunted by echoes of laughter Haunted by echoes of laughter Assombrados por ecos de riso You gave a pull You gave a pull Você deu um empurrão And suddenly they’re full And suddenly they’re full E de repente eles estão cheios You’ve thrown the gates open after you You’ve thrown the gates open after you Você passou e abriu as portas atrás de você And swept in with the throng And swept in with the throng E junto com a multidão Comes this wonderful song Comes this wonderful song Vem essa maravilhosa canção My little reason why My little reason why Minha pequena razão pela qual I’ll never make you cry I’ll never make you cry Nunca vou fazer você chorar Oh I have got the sweetest things to tell you every day Oh I have got the sweetest things to tell you every day Oh, eu tenho as coisas mais doces pra te contar todos os dias My little reason why My little reason why Minha pequena razão pela qual You make me want to try You make me want to try Você me faz querer tentar Loving you Loving you Amar você

Composição: Tba

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