The mantle of attainment The mantle of attainment O manto de realização Weighs heavy on his shoulders Weighs heavy on his shoulders Pesa sobre seus ombros Guided by a lantern Guided by a lantern Guiados por uma lanterna Flickering he grows older Flickering he grows older Cintilação ele cresce A refuge found in exile A refuge found in exile Um refúgio encontrado no exílio He shuffles on in blindness He shuffles on in blindness Ele embaralha sobre a cegueira You'll take his hand, he'll lose himself You'll take his hand, he'll lose himself Você vai ter a sua mão, ele vai perder-se Bewildered by your kindness Bewildered by your kindness Perplexos com sua bondade Enshrouded by darkness Enshrouded by darkness Envoltos pela escuridão A figure slowly forms A figure slowly forms Uma figura lentamente formas Through many years of banishment Through many years of banishment Através de muitos anos de exílio No shelter from the storm No shelter from the storm Sem abrigo da tempestade To find this slave of solitude To find this slave of solitude Para encontrar este escravo da solidão You'll know him by his star You'll know him by his star Você vai conhecê-lo por sua estrela Then take his hand, he'll lose himself Then take his hand, he'll lose himself Em seguida a sua mão, ele vai perder-se Knowing who you are Knowing who you are Saber quem você é