O where have you been, lord randall, my son? O where have you been, lord randall, my son? Ó, onde você esteve, senhor randall, meu filho? Where have you been, my handsome young man? Where have you been, my handsome young man? Onde você esteve, meu jovem bonito? I've been to the wild wood, mother, and i want to lie down. I've been to the wild wood, mother, and i want to lie down. Eu fui ao selvagem de madeira, mãe, e eu quero deitar. I met with my true love, mother, make my bed soon. I met with my true love, mother, make my bed soon. Encontrei-me com o meu verdadeiro amor, mãe, a minha cama em breve. And what did she give you? And what did she give you? E o que ela te deu? She gave me some supper and i'm - She gave me some supper and i'm - Ela me deu um jantar e eu sou - Sick, sick, weary and tired, Sick, sick, weary and tired, Doente, doente, cansado e cansado, Sick to the hear and i want to lie down. Sick to the hear and i want to lie down. Doente ao ouvir e eu quero deitar. Oh what did you eat, lord randall, my son? Oh what did you eat, lord randall, my son? Oh, o que você comeu, senhor randall, meu filho? What did you eat, my handsome young man? What did you eat, my handsome young man? O que você comeu, meu belo rapaz? She gave me some eels, mother, fried in a pan, She gave me some eels, mother, fried in a pan, Ela me deu algumas enguias fritas, a mãe, em uma panela, They were streaked and striped, mother, make my bed soon. They were streaked and striped, mother, make my bed soon. Eles foram semeadas e mãe, listrado, fazer minha cama logo. And where did they come from? And where did they come from? E de onde eles vêm? They came from the ditches, They came from the ditches, Eles vieram das valas, And what got your leavings? And what got your leavings? E o que tem seus restos? My hawks and my greyhounds, My hawks and my greyhounds, Meus gaviões e meus galgos, And what did they do then? And what did they do then? E o que eles fazem então? They lay down and died and i am - They lay down and died and i am - Deitaram-se e morreu e eu sou - Sick, sick, weary and tired, Sick, sick, weary and tired, Doente, doente, cansado e cansado, Sick to the hear and i want to lie down. Sick to the hear and i want to lie down. Doente ao ouvir e eu quero deitar. Oh, o que você vai fazer, senhor randall, meu filho? Oh what will you do, lord randall, my son? Oh what will you do, lord randall, my son? O que você vai fazer, meu belo rapaz? What will you do, my handsome young man? What will you do, my handsome young man? Eu temo que eu estou envenenado, mãe, a minha cama em breve. I fear i am poisoned, mother, make my bed soon. I fear i am poisoned, mother, make my bed soon. No pátio, a mãe, e me deito fácil, Down in the courtyard, mother, and lay me down easy, Down in the courtyard, mother, and lay me down easy, Porque eu estive no Wildwood e encontrei-me com o meu amor verdadeiro. For i've been to the wildwood and i met with my true love. For i've been to the wildwood and i met with my true love. E o que você comeu lá? And what did you eat there? And what did you eat there? Eels em uma panela. Eels in a pan. Eels in a pan. E o que era a sua cor? And what was their colour? And what was their colour? Todos com faixas e listrado. All streaked and striped. All streaked and striped. E de onde eles vêm? And where did they come from? And where did they come from? Valas negras do meu pai, My father's black ditches, My father's black ditches, E o que tem as sobras? And what got the leavings? And what got the leavings? Meus gaviões e meus galgos, My hawks and my greyhounds, My hawks and my greyhounds, E o que eles fazem então? And what did they do then? And what did they do then? Deitaram-se e morreu. They lay down and died. They lay down and died. Oh, eu temo que você está envenenado. Oh, i fear you are poisoned. Oh, i fear you are poisoned. A minha cama em breve. Make my bed soon. Make my bed soon. E onde eu faço isso? And where shall i make it? And where shall i make it? Lá embaixo, no adro. Down in the churchyard. Down in the churchyard. Lá embaixo, no adro. Down in the churchyard. Down in the churchyard. E me deito fácil para eu sou - And lay me down easy for i'm - And lay me down easy for i'm - Doente, doente, cansado e cansado, Sick, sick, weary and tired, Sick, sick, weary and tired, Doente ao ouvir e eu quero deitar. Sick to the hear and i want to lie down. Sick to the hear and i want to lie down.