
Wild Goose Chase

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I thought the destruction I thought the destruction Eu penso sobre a destruição of creation of creation da criação Would be nuclear power Would be nuclear power Será poder nuclear and radiation and radiation e radiação I thought judgement I thought judgement Eu penso sobre que o julgamento Would come Would come Virá When dem drop When dem drop Quando eles derrubarem De neutron bomb De neutron bomb Bomba de nêutrons I thought man was heading I thought man was heading Eu pensei que a humanidade estava em direção For extinction with For extinction with A extinção com Contraceptive pills Contraceptive pills Pílulas contraceptivas That was made to kill That was made to kill Que foram feitas para matar Legal murder Legal murder Assassinato legal They call abortion They call abortion Eles chamam de aborto I thought the invention of I thought the invention of Eu penso na invenção Of robots yes Of robots yes De rôbos sim All forms of life All forms of life Todas as formas de vida Would eventually stop Would eventually stop Eventualmente irão parar But now dem dog gone crazy But now dem dog gone crazy Mas agora o cão deles enlouqueceu Mass producing test tube babies Mass producing test tube babies Produção em massa de bebês de tubo de ensaio On a wild goose chase On a wild goose chase Em uma perseguição inútil Laws of nature they just can't face Laws of nature they just can't face Leis da natureza que eles simplesmente não podem enfrentar Ambition is to mash up the damn place Ambition is to mash up the damn place Ambição está a amassar o maldito lugar Who shall save the human race? Who shall save the human race? Quem irá salvar a raça humana? Chemicals in the food Chemicals in the food Químicas na comida To control population To control population Para controle populacional Intentions to build Intentions to build Intenções para construir A plastic nation A plastic nation Uma nação de plástico Cloning cats to have dogs Cloning cats to have dogs Clonando gatos para obter cachorros Human beings breeding hogs Human beings breeding hogs Seres humanos criando porcos On the moon in search of aliens On the moon in search of aliens Na lua a procura de aliens Creating monsters Tron and Trog Creating monsters Tron and Trog Criando monstros Tron and Trog (monstros de ficção científica) But now dem dog gone crazy But now dem dog gone crazy Mas agora o cão deles enlouqueceu Mass producing test tube babies Mass producing test tube babies Produção em massa de bebês de tubo de ensaio Laws of nature they just can't face Laws of nature they just can't face Leis da natureza que eles simplesmente não podem enfrentar Ambition is to mash up the damn place Ambition is to mash up the damn place Ambição está a amassar o maldito lugar Who shall save the Human race Who shall save the Human race Quem irá salvar a raça humana These times of science and technology These times of science and technology Nesses tempos de ciências e tecnologia The world is an unconscious lavatory The world is an unconscious lavatory O mundo é um banheiro inconsciente Using my people as guinea pigs Using my people as guinea pigs Usando meu povo como cobaia I man a fight it spiritually I man a fight it spiritually Eu sou um lutador espiritual Soon the old will inject Soon the old will inject Logo o velho vai injetar Themselves to keep young Themselves to keep young A si mesmo para se manter jovem Ain't no telling what they do next Ain't no telling what they do next Não há como dizer o que eles farão a seguir All I know that JAH must vex All I know that JAH must vex tudo que eu sei é que JAH deve irritar O righteous one just keep in check O righteous one just keep in check O justo, apenas mantenha-se sob controle Thunder will roll and break wicked neck Thunder will roll and break wicked neck O trovão vai rolar e quebrar o pescoço perverso 'Cause they gone crazy crazy 'Cause they gone crazy crazy Porque eles ficaram loucos loucos Mass producing test tube babies Mass producing test tube babies Produção em massa de bebês de tubo de ensaio On a wild goose chase On a wild goose chase Em uma busca inútil Laws of nature they just can't face Laws of nature they just can't face Leis da natureza que eles simplesmente não podem enfrentar Ambition is to mash up the damn place Ambition is to mash up the damn place Ambição está a amassar o maldito lugar Tell me shall save the human race? Tell me shall save the human race? diga-me deve salvar a raça humana?

Composição: David Hinds

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