You are beauty, Oh, how beautiful You are. You are beauty, Oh, how beautiful You are. Tu és lindo, oh, como Tu és lindo. Shining like a treasure, You are brilliant. Shining like a treasure, You are brilliant. Brilhando como um tesouro, Tu és radiante. And You overwhelm the stars, And You overwhelm the stars, E Tu brilhas mais que as estrelas, Glory without measure. Glory without measure. Glória sem medida. Chorus: Chorus: Côro: Glorious One, Glorious One, Glorious One, Glorious One, O Glorioso, O Glorioso, Merciful Father, Beautiful Son. Merciful Father, Beautiful Son. Pai misericordioso, Filho lindo. Glorious One, Glorious One, Glorious One, Glorious One, O Glorioso, O Glorioso, You are my pleasure, You are my pleasure, Tu és meu prazer, You are my song. You are my song. Tu és minha canção. Oh Glorious One. Oh Glorious One. Oh, O Glorioso. You are mercy, and Your mercy is Your crown, You are mercy, and Your mercy is Your crown, Tu és misericordioso, e Tua misericórdia és Tua coroa, Infinite and ageless, You are forever, Infinite and ageless, You are forever, Infinita e eterna, Tu és pra sempre, And forever You will be. And forever You will be. E pra sempre Serás. Worthy of all praises. Worthy of all praises. Merecedor de todo o louvor. God Your fame is great, God Your fame is great, Deus, Tua fama é ótima, It cannot be contained. It cannot be contained. Não pode ser contida. Your name is praised, Your name is praised, Teu nome é louvado, Above all other names. Above all other names. Sobre todos os nomes (Chorus) (Chorus) [coro]