
Never Let Me Go

Nunca Me Deixe Ir

Never let me go Never let me go Nunca me deixe ir Love me much too much Love me much too much Me ame muito, muito mesmo If you let me go If you let me go Se você me deixar ir Life would lose its touch Life would lose its touch A vida perderia o seu toque What would I be without you What would I be without you O que seria de mim sem você There's no place for me without you There's no place for me without you Não há lugar para mim sem você Never let me go Never let me go Nunca me deixe ir I'd be so lost if you went away I'd be so lost if you went away Eu estaria perdida se você fosse embora There'd be a thousand hours in the day There'd be a thousand hours in the day O dia haveriam mil horas Without you, I know Without you, I know Sem você eu sei Because of one caress Because of one caress Por causa de uma carícia My world was overturned My world was overturned Meu mundo foi derrubado At the very start At the very start Logo no início All my bridges burned All my bridges burned Todas as minhas pontes foram queimadas By my flaming heart By my flaming heart Pelo meu coração em chamas You'd never leave, me would you? You'd never leave, me would you? Você nunca me deixaria, me deixaria? You couldn't hurt me, could you? You couldn't hurt me, could you? Você não poderia me machucar, poderia? Never let me go Never let me go Nunca me deixe ir Never let me go Never let me go Nunca me deixe ir

Composição: Ray Evans, Jay Livingston

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