Quiet nights of quiet stars, quiet chords from my guitar Quiet nights of quiet stars, quiet chords from my guitar Noites calmas de estrelas calmas, acordes calmos do meu violão Floating in the silence that surrounds us Floating in the silence that surrounds us Flutuando no silêncio que nos rodeia Quiet thoughts and quiet dreams Quiet thoughts and quiet dreams Pensamentos calmos e sonhos calmos Quiet walks by quiet streams Quiet walks by quiet streams Caminhadas tranquilas por riachos tranquilos And a window looking at Corcovado And a window looking at Corcovado E uma janela olhando o Corcovado Oh, how lovely! This is where I want to be Oh, how lovely! This is where I want to be Ai que amor! É aqui que eu quero estar Here, with you so close to me Here, with you so close to me Aqui, com você tão perto de mim Until the final flicker of life's ember Until the final flicker of life's ember Até o lampejo final da brasa da vida I who was lost and lonely, believing life was only I who was lost and lonely, believing life was only Eu que estava perdido e sozinho, acreditando que a vida era apenas A bitter tragic joke, have found with you A bitter tragic joke, have found with you Uma piada trágica e amarga que você encontrou The meaning of existence oh, my love The meaning of existence oh, my love O significado da existência oh, meu amor