
Cleopatra's Cat

gato favorito de Cleopatra

Cleopatra's favorite cat Cleopatra's favorite cat gato favorito de Cleopatra Got his hands on Caesar's spats Got his hands on Caesar's spats ¿Tienes las manos en polainas de César The heat was on as you could see The heat was on as you could see El calor era el que se podía ver So he front 'em to Mark Antony. So he front 'em to Mark Antony. Así que frente a 'em a Marco Antonio. Said, "My girlfriend's cat is smarter than me." Said, "My girlfriend's cat is smarter than me." Said, "gato Mi novia es más inteligente que yo". Caesar had an eye for clothes Caesar had an eye for clothes César tenía un ojo para la ropa He saw them spats and said, "I like those." He saw them spats and said, "I like those." Los vio polainas y dijo: "Me gustan esos". Caesar had no thing to say, except, Caesar had no thing to say, except, César no tenía nada que decir, excepto, "Jesu Christi Domine, "Jesu Christi Domine, "Domine Jesu Christi, Et tu, Brute, Et tu, Brute, Et tu, Brute, Jesu Christi Domine, Jesu Christi Domine, Domine Jesu Christi, Et tu, Brute." Et tu, Brute." Et tu, Brute ". The senate tried to sympathize The senate tried to sympathize El Senado trató de simpatizar It was the cat they should despise It was the cat they should despise Era el gato se debe despreciar Informant told his whereabouts Informant told his whereabouts El informante le dijo a su paradero Centurions to seek him out Centurions to seek him out Centuriones a buscarlo Centurions! There go the centurions. Centurions! There go the centurions. Centuriones! Allí van a los centuriones. Brutus had to turn his head Brutus had to turn his head Bruto tuvo que volver la cabeza When that cat done went and said, When that cat done went and said, Cuando el gato hecho fue y le dijo, "If he's got this thing for shoes, "If he's got this thing for shoes, "Si él tiene esa cosa para los zapatos, He just might be ambitious, too. He just might be ambitious, too. Él podría ser ambiciosos, también. They got holidays all in his name, They got holidays all in his name, Tienen todos los días de fiesta en su nombre, And all a tyrant needs is fame. And all a tyrant needs is fame. Y todas las necesidades de un tirano es la fama. Those fascists don't play pretty games Those fascists don't play pretty games Los fascistas no jugar bonito Egypt is the place to be... Egypt is the place to be... Egipto es el lugar para estar ... But Rome is a democracy. But Rome is a democracy. Pero Roma es una democracia. Rome!" Rome!" Roma! " Caesar never got them back Caesar never got them back César nunca los volvió 'Cause they killed his ass in the second act. 'Cause they killed his ass in the second act. Porque mataron a su culo en el segundo acto. Brutus spoke, then Antony: Brutus spoke, then Antony: Bruto habló a continuación, Antonio: Said, "My girlfriend's cat is smarter than me. Said, "My girlfriend's cat is smarter than me. Said, "gato Mi novia es más inteligente que yo. Friends, Romans, can't you see Friends, Romans, can't you see Amigos, romanos, ¿no lo ves My girlfriend's cat is smarter than me My girlfriend's cat is smarter than me gato Mi novia es más inteligente que yo Egypt's biggest rivalry: Egypt's biggest rivalry: mayor rivalidad de Egipto: Cleopatra's cat and me." Cleopatra's cat and me." gato de Cleopatra y yo. "

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