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Power Trip

Piração de poder

Lyrics by Chris Cornell Lyrics by Chris Cornell Líricas por Chris Cornell Music by Hiro Yamamoto Music by Hiro Yamamoto Musica por Hiro Yamamoto I want to be I want to be Eu quero ser A cowboy star upon the screen A cowboy star upon the screen Um Cowboy famoso na tela Oh hey and I want to drive Oh hey and I want to drive Oh hey e eu quero dirigir My cowboy car across the scene My cowboy car across the scene Meu carro de cowboy através da cena Oh hey and I want to write Oh hey and I want to write Oh hey e eu quero escrever The magazines the housewives read The magazines the housewives read As revistas que as donas de casa lêem And I want to be And I want to be E eu quero estar In control of everything In control of everything No controle de tudo I want to be King I want to be King Eu quero ser rei I want to make the toys I want to make the toys Eu quero fazer os brinquedos You buy for Christmas Eve You buy for Christmas Eve que você compra para as comemorações do Natal Yeah and I want to be Yeah and I want to be Yeah e eu quero ser The father of the ethnic child The father of the ethnic child O pai de uma criança étnica Who stars on T.V. Who stars on T.V. Que aparece na TV Oh yeah and I, I want to write Oh yeah and I, I want to write Oh Yeah e eu, eu quero escrever The magazine the housewives read The magazine the housewives read A revista que as donas de casa lêem Oh hey and I want all the leaders Oh hey and I want all the leaders Oh hey e eu quero todos os líderes Of the Third World Of the Third World Do Terceiro Mundo To answer to me To answer to me Respondendo para mim I want to be King I want to be King Eu quero ser rei I want to be King I want to be King Eu quero ser rei So maybe now the Pope So maybe now the Pope Então talvez agora o Papa Will bow and kiss my ring Will bow and kiss my ring Irá se curvar e beijar meu anel I wanna be King I wanna be King Eu quero ser rei

Composição: Chris Cornell/Hiro Yamamoto

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