
City of Motors

Cidade dos motores

Three times dark, first in the mind. Three times dark, first in the mind. Três vezes escuro, primeiro na mente. Second on Java street, the dead car there. Second on Java street, the dead car there. Em segundo lugar na rua Java, o carro morreu ali. The hood blown off with a BB gun. The hood blown off with a BB gun. A capa arrancada com uma espingarda. Manuela said she saw the brakes fail. Manuela said she saw the brakes fail. Manuela disse que viu os freios falham. Manuela said she saw the brakes fail. Manuela said she saw the brakes fail. Manuela disse que viu os freios falham. An empty body but it still bled An empty body but it still bled Um corpo vazio, mas ela ainda sangrava Oil from the axle and it left a trail. Oil from the axle and it left a trail. Óleo do eixo e que deixou um rastro. Ran down Java street and formed a pool. Ran down Java street and formed a pool. Correu rua Java e formaram um pool. Manuela saw the moon in there. Manuela saw the moon in there. Manuela vi a lua lá. Manuela saw the moon in there. Manuela saw the moon in there. Manuela vi a lua lá. I hear a rumbling. I hear a rumbling. Eu ouvi um estrondo. I hear transmission grind. I hear transmission grind. Eu ouço transmissão grind. I bear witness. I bear witness. Eu testemunho. I have the clutch now. I have the clutch now. Tenho a embreagem agora. Three times dark, third on the rooftops; Three times dark, third on the rooftops; Três vezes escuro, terceiro nos telhados; Man jumps between and grabs the rail. Man jumps between and grabs the rail. Homem pula e pega entre os carris. Man pulls the door but the door is locked. Man pulls the door but the door is locked. Homem puxa a porta, mas a porta está trancada. Man gouge the hinge and goes down the stairs. Man gouge the hinge and goes down the stairs. Homem arrancar a dobradiça e desce as escadas. Man gouge the hinge and goes down the stairs. Man gouge the hinge and goes down the stairs. Homem arrancar a dobradiça e desce as escadas. Dull bright morning and the tools are gone. Dull bright morning and the tools are gone. Brilhante manhã e as ferramentas são idos. Detectives with flashlights in the elevator shaft. Detectives with flashlights in the elevator shaft. Detetives com lanternas no poço do elevador. Manuela tells detectives she saw him there. Manuela tells detectives she saw him there. Manuela diz detetives que o viu lá. Stuck in the hinge is a sliver of a fingernail. Stuck in the hinge is a sliver of a fingernail. a dobradiça é uma tira de uma unha. Stuck in the hinge is a sliver of a fingernail. Stuck in the hinge is a sliver of a fingernail. a dobradiça é uma tira de uma unha. Stack of tools in the Oldsmobile. Stack of tools in the Oldsmobile. Pilha de ferramentas no Oldsmobile. From the Motor City to the City of Dis. From the Motor City to the City of Dis. De Motor para a Cidade They trace his travel by his credit card. They trace his travel by his credit card. Eles traçam a sua viagem pelo seu cartão de crédito. No sleep, smokes, and he's nauseous. No sleep, smokes, and he's nauseous. Sem dormir, fuma, e ele é enjoado. No sleep, smokes, and he's nauseous. No sleep, smokes, and he's nauseous. Sem dormir, fuma, e ele é enjoado. Flicks an ash like a wild loose comma. Flicks an ash like a wild loose comma. cinzas como uma vírgula selvagem solto. Ash hits the oil around the pump. Ash hits the oil around the pump. bate o óleo ao redor da bomba. Travels to the pump and the pump explodes. Travels to the pump and the pump explodes. Viaja para a bomba ea bomba explode. Witness said he saw the car jump. Witness said he saw the car jump. Testemunha disse que viu o carro saltar. Witness said he saw the car jump. Witness said he saw the car jump. Testemunha disse que viu o carro saltar.

Composição: Soul Coughing

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