
Les Fleurs du Mal

As Flores do Mal

Oh, I the wetly weak claw Oh, I the wetly weak claw Oh, a úmida garra frágil Led by his strong warm paw Led by his strong warm paw Guiada por sua pata forte e quente Walking the forbidden path Walking the forbidden path Caminhando o atalho proibido Through high uncut summer grass Through high uncut summer grass Através da grama alta, intacta, do verão While hunters nose dive While hunters nose dive Enquanto o nariz dos caçadores se submergem Membranes servants to their flight Membranes servants to their flight Membranas servas do seu voo Were buzzing all around our heads Were buzzing all around our heads Onde zumbem ao redor de nossas cabeças Black parasol, balance and shades Black parasol, balance and shades Guarda-sol, equilíbrio e sombras Those little bells on my fool's cap Those little bells on my fool's cap Esses pequenos sinos sobre o meu gorro frouxo All witness to my sad defect All witness to my sad defect Testemunnhas da minha lamentável imperfeição Crowning my pale seriousness Crowning my pale seriousness Coroando minha pálida seriedade In most ridiculous distress In most ridiculous distress Na angústia mais ridícula The smile on his weather-tanned face The smile on his weather-tanned face O sorriso no seu rosto moreno His white teeth somewhat out of place His white teeth somewhat out of place Seus dentes brancos um pouco fora do lugar The gentle roughness of his hands The gentle roughness of his hands As gentis rugas de suas mãos Dark soil staining his fingernails Dark soil staining his fingernails Solo negro manchando suas unhas Ushered into the forest's hold Ushered into the forest's hold Conduzida para dentro da segurança da floresta I'm folding up my parasol I'm folding up my parasol Estou dobrando o meu guarda-sol Heralding fears of deprivation Heralding fears of deprivation Anunciando medos de privação In answer to my hesitation In answer to my hesitation Em resposta a minha hesitação He's parting the branches as we move He's parting the branches as we move Ele está separando os galhos à medida que nos avançamos I dare a smile in shy excuse I dare a smile in shy excuse Ouso um sorriso com tímida desculpa Oh does he know the ghosts I drag Oh does he know the ghosts I drag Oh, sabe ele dos fantasmas que arrasto, The dreadful ending I expect? The dreadful ending I expect? O final terrível que eu espero? The boyish hand of this olden maid The boyish hand of this olden maid A mão pueril desta antiga donzela Hints secrets guarded by her face Hints secrets guarded by her face Alude segredos guardados pelo seu rosto Does your world know my shadow's near Does your world know my shadow's near Será que o seu mundo sabe da minha sombra por perto The loop of time I always fear? The loop of time I always fear? O laço do tempo que sempre temo? The fact that I carelessly stepped The fact that I carelessly stepped O fato que eu pisei descuidadamente Into my very own, dark trap? Into my very own, dark trap? Dentro da minha própria armadilha escura? You stride, I'm glancing at your belt You stride, I'm glancing at your belt Tu avanças, estou olhando para o teu cinto Should I miss ay of the things I never felt? Should I miss ay of the things I never felt? Eu deveria estranhar as coisas que eu nunca senti? The shaking hand of this olden maid The shaking hand of this olden maid A mão trêmula desta velha donzela Instead waters the flowers on her ancient grave Instead waters the flowers on her ancient grave De outro modo molha as flores em seu antigo túmulo.

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