
Holy Water Moonlight

Água sagrada do luar

Undead ... and still suffering, Undead ... and still suffering, Vivo e ainda sofrendo, sempre sofrendo....Estaca de madeira enfiada em meu coração, atravessando este antigo coração... Água sagrada cure minhas feridas! Todas as coisas mudaram de lado... A lágrima do Demônio derrama luz em meu coração, porém estes traidores olhos secretos enganaram minha alma, traindo a Always suffering. Always suffering. escuridão.... Wooden stake, come, impale my heart ... - Wooden stake, come, impale my heart ... - A noite é doce, nunca enganosa ou traiçoeira. As luzes cruéis no despertar do amanhecer são minhas verdadeiras inimigas... Eu tenho visto minha queda... - o fim de tudo. Água sagrada, derrame luz sobre minha vida! Água sagrada, todas as coisas mudaram de lado... Seus raios sagrados me trouxeram de volta á vida, presentearam- me, concederam- me novas visões. Sagrada luz da Lua.... Driven through this ancient heart ! Driven through this ancient heart ! Holy water, heal my wounds ... - Holy water, heal my wounds ... - Everything has now changed sides; Everything has now changed sides; Walking through the garden of the darkest night. Walking through the garden of the darkest night. The tear of the devil shed a light upon my heart, The tear of the devil shed a light upon my heart, But unfaithful, sneaking eyes betrayed my soul ... - But unfaithful, sneaking eyes betrayed my soul ... - Befouled the dark. Befouled the dark. Our night is sweet, never deceptive or of treachery ... - Our night is sweet, never deceptive or of treachery ... - The cruel light in the wake of the dawn is my true enemy. The cruel light in the wake of the dawn is my true enemy. I fear my own fall ... - I fear my own fall ... - The end of everything and all. The end of everything and all. Holy water, shed a light upon my life. Holy water, shed a light upon my life. Holy water, everything has now changed sides. Holy water, everything has now changed sides. Your silver rays brought me back to life, Your silver rays brought me back to life, Gifted me, gave me new sight ... - Gifted me, gave me new sight ... - Holy water moonlight. Holy water moonlight.

Composição: Sopor Aeternus

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