
Architecture II

Arquitetura II

Over many years we have erected walls Over many years we have erected walls Durante muitos anos, erguemos muros, that even he could never penetrate. that even he could never penetrate. Que mesmo ele nunca poderia penetrar. His well-trained voice His well-trained voice Sua voz bem treinada , is of enormous power as it's based is of enormous power as it's based É de enorme poder enquanto é baseada, on many years of practise on many years of practise Em anos de prática , and an iron will of a certain kind ... - and an iron will of a certain kind ... - E uma vontade de ferro de um certo tipo... - melodiously it carries wide, melodiously it carries wide, Melodiosamente mantém sua largura, pervades each space, pervades each space, Pervade cada espaço, regardless of its size. regardless of its size. Independente de seu tamanho. His masculinity contained within His masculinity contained within A masculinidade contida nele, is simply undeniable is simply undeniable É simplesmente inegável, in so many pleasant ways. in so many pleasant ways. Em tantas maneiras agradáveis. Neither his age, Neither his age, Nem a sua idade, advanced as it may be, advanced as it may be, Avançada como seja, nor the baldness of his head, nor the baldness of his head, Nem a calvície da sua cabeça, could ever detract from the strength could ever detract from the strength Não poderia desvirtuar a força, that still obeys that still obeys Que ainda obedece, and moves his aging flesh. and moves his aging flesh. E move sua carne madura, His manhood still unbroken His manhood still unbroken Sua virilidade ainda inquebrável, and impressive and impressive E impressiva, in so many pleasant ways. in so many pleasant ways. Em tantas maneiras agradáveis. He is well aware of the looks He is well aware of the looks Ele está consciente de sua aparência, he has and gets he has and gets Ele têm e fica, and knows to calculate and knows to calculate E sabe como calcular, the strong effect he has, the strong effect he has, O efeito forte que possui, make an impression make an impression Dando uma impressão, and achieve a certain aim. and achieve a certain aim. E alcança um determinado objetivo. This strategy works fine for him, This strategy works fine for him, Esta estratégia funciona bem para ele, as his tremendous sexuality, as his tremendous sexuality, Como sua tremenda sexualidade, projected energy, projected energy, Projetando energia, directed with greatest skill and care, directed with greatest skill and care, Direcionada com maior competência e cuidado, can even make his rivals can even make his rivals Pode fazer seus rivais,obedecerem alegremente joyfully obey his secret wishes … - joyfully obey his secret wishes … - Seus desejos secretos, follow his orders with delight. follow his orders with delight. Seguem suas ordens com deleite. Watching such an act being performed, Watching such an act being performed, Ver este ato ser realizado, if only from a afar, if only from a afar, Se apenas de uma certa distância, will never leave you unimpressed, will never leave you unimpressed, Nunca vai deixá-lo não impressionado, even though you may be unobserved ... - even though you may be unobserved ... - Apesar de você não ser observado... he will etch his sign into your heart. he will etch his sign into your heart. Ele fará o sinal em seu coração. He can make you come He can make you come Ele pode fazer-te vir, just by looking at you, just by looking at you, Apenas pelo olhar em você, it is such a rare gift ... - it is such a rare gift ... - É, dessa maneira, um presente raro... - and quite frightening too. and quite frightening too. E completamente assustador também.

Composição: Anna-varney Cantodea

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