


all that I wanted all that I wanted Tudo que eu quis was a space to rectify was a space to rectify Foi um espaço para retificar to rid deception to rid deception Para livrar da decepção to sift and purify to sift and purify Para peneirar e purificar filter out the desecrated filter out the desecrated Filtrar fora o profanado sift sift Peneirar sanctify what she created sanctify what she created Santificar o que ela criou dying with a goal dying with a goal Morrendo com um objetivo in mind to save me in mind to save me Na mente para me salvar from that which contaminates from that which contaminates Daquilo que contamina drives us to misery drives us to misery Leva nos para a miseria die, with a goal die, with a goal Morra, com um objetivo I'm dying I'm dying Eu estou morrendo life, live in nature's harmony life, live in nature's harmony Vida, viva na harmonia natural contaminated, filter those who desecrate contaminated, filter those who desecrate Contaminado, filtrar aqueles quem profanaram intent to survive intent to survive Intenção para sobreviver to sift and purify to sift and purify Para peneirar e purificar

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