No one adores you No one adores you Ninguém te adora No one rewards you No one rewards you Ninguém te recompensa Nobody hears what you say(what you say) Nobody hears what you say(what you say) Ninguém ouve o que você diz (o que você diz) Those old faded pictures Those old faded pictures Essas velhas descoloridas fotos of you and your sisters of you and your sisters De você e suas irmãs on the first day of school(on the first day of school) on the first day of school(on the first day of school) No primeiro dia de escola (no primeiro dia de escola) I'll always play with you I'll always play with you Eu vou sempre jogar com você Nobody loves you Nobody loves you more than they ought to more than they ought to Ninguém te ama nobody cares what you think (what you think) nobody cares what you think (what you think) Mais do que eles deveriam I still hold those pictures I still hold those pictures Ninguém se importa com o que você pensa (o que você pensa) of you and yours sisters of you and yours sisters Eu continuo segurando aquelas fotos I'll always play the fool I'll always play the fool de você e suas irmãs I'll always play with you I'll always play with you Eu sempre me farei de bobo So an Angel has your name So an Angel has your name Eu vou sempre jogar com você what a perfect name it is what a perfect name it is And though it's not the same And though it's not the same Então um anjo tem o seu nome The heartache isn't all that lives The heartache isn't all that lives Que nome perfeito é Mother adores you Mother adores you E embora não seja o mesmo Mother rewards you Mother rewards you O ataque de coração não é tudo que vive Kissing you on the cheek Kissing you on the cheek Those old faded pictures Those old faded pictures Mãe te adora of you and your sisters of you and your sisters Mãe te recompensa on the first day of school on the first day of school Beijando você na buchecha I'll always play with you I'll always play with you Essas velhas descoloridas fotos So an angel has your name So an angel has your name de você e suas irmãs What a perfect name it is What a perfect name it is no primeiro dia de escola And though it's not the same And though it's not the same Eu vou sempre jogar com você The heartache isn't all that lives The heartache isn't all that lives