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Stand (Tradução)

Stand Stand Suporte In the end you'll still be you In the end you'll still be you No final, você ainda vai ser você One that's done all the things you set out to do One that's done all the things you set out to do Um que é feito todas as coisas que você se propôs a fazer Stand Stand Suporte There's a cross for you to bear There's a cross for you to bear Há uma cruz para que você possa suportar Things to go through if you're going anywhere Things to go through if you're going anywhere Coisas para passar se você está indo a lugar algum Stand Stand Suporte For the things you know are right For the things you know are right Para as coisas que você sabe está certo It s the truth that the truth makes them so uptight It s the truth that the truth makes them so uptight Ele é a verdade que a verdade que os torna tão tenso Stand Stand Suporte All the things you want are real All the things you want are real Todas as coisas que você quer são reais You have you to complete and there is no deal You have you to complete and there is no deal Você tem você para ser concluído e não há acordo Stand. stand, stand Stand. stand, stand Stand. stand, stand Stand. stand, stand Stand. stand, stand Stand. stand, stand Stand Stand Suporte You've been sitting much too long You've been sitting much too long Você está sentado muito tempo There's a permanent crease in your right and wrong There's a permanent crease in your right and wrong Há um vinco permanente em seu certo e errado Stand Stand Suporte There's a midget standing tall There's a midget standing tall Há um anão de pé And the giant beside him about to fall And the giant beside him about to fall E o gigante ao lado dele prestes a cair Stand. stand, stand Stand. stand, stand Stand. stand, stand Stand. stand, stand Stand. stand, stand Stand. stand, stand Stand Stand Suporte They will try to make you crawl They will try to make you crawl Eles vão tentar fazer você rastejar And they know what you're saying makes sense and all And they know what you're saying makes sense and all E eles sabem que você está dizendo faz sentido e todas as Stand Stand Suporte Don't you know that you are free Don't you know that you are free Você não sabe que você é livre Well at least in your mind if you want to be Well at least in your mind if you want to be Bem, pelo menos em sua mente se você quer ser Everybody Everybody Todos Stand, stand, stand Stand, stand, stand Stand, stand, stand

Composição: Sylvester "Sly Stone" Stewart

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