Original Espanhol



(Lyrics - Hanneman, King; Music - Hanneman, King) (Lyrics - Hanneman, King; Music - Hanneman, King) (Lyrics - Hanneman, King; Music - Hanneman, King) Eyes upon me Eyes upon me Olhos me vigiam Watching me in my perpetual sleep Watching me in my perpetual sleep Assistem meu sono eterno Dreams deceive me Dreams deceive me Sonhos me iludem My future depends on a mindless dream My future depends on a mindless dream Meu futuro depende de um sonho sem sentido I've fallen from promises I've fallen from promises Me desprendi dos sonhos Damned to take risks on my own Damned to take risks on my own Condenado a assumir riscos sozinho The masterful science that freezes your The masterful science that freezes your A poderosa ciência que Mind and your soul Mind and your soul Congela sua mente e seu corpo The wretched dream is realized The wretched dream is realized O triste sonho está realizado The human race is to be crystallized The human race is to be crystallized A raça humana será cristalizada Thoughts of laughter Thoughts of laughter Pensamentos engraçados Filling the head of the master in charge. Filling the head of the master in charge. Tomam a mente do chefe no comando Worlds of wonder Worlds of wonder Mundos maravilhosos Is this a cure or a painless death Is this a cure or a painless death Será isso uma cura ou uma morte indolor? I'll fight and resist I'll fight and resist Lutarei e resistirei Till they all see the end that is near Till they all see the end that is near Até todos verem que o fim se aproxima The doctors the lawers and G-men The doctors the lawers and G-men Os médicos, os advogados e os homens do governo Are living in fear Are living in fear Vivem sob o domínio do medo Living my life with one distant hope Living my life with one distant hope Vivendo minha vida com uma esperança A cure that will kill my invincible foe A cure that will kill my invincible foe Uma cura que acabará com meu ódio

Composição: Jeff Hanneman/Kerry King

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