Original Espanhol

Black Magic

Magia Negra

(Lyrics - King; Music - Hanneman, King) (Lyrics - King; Music - Hanneman, King) (Lyrics - King; Music - Hanneman, King) Cursed Cursed Amaldiçoado Black magic night Black magic night Noite de magia negra We've been struck down We've been struck down Fomos atirados Down in this Hell Down in this Hell Nesse inferno Spells surround me day and night Spells surround me day and night Maldições me rodeiam dia e noite Stricken by the force of evil light Stricken by the force of evil light Atiradas pela força da luz do Mal The force of evil light The force of evil light A força da luz do Mal Cast Cast Preso Under his spell Under his spell Sob o domínio da magia dele Blinding my eyes Blinding my eyes Cegando meus olhos Twisting my mind Twisting my mind Confundindo minha mente Fight to resist the evil inside Fight to resist the evil inside Luto para resistir ao Mal dentro de mim Captive of a force of Satan's might Captive of a force of Satan's might Prisioneiro do poder de Satã A force of Satan's might A force of Satan's might O poder de Satã Fighting the curse Fighting the curse Lutando contra a maldição Break it I must Break it I must Preciso quebrá-la Laughing in sorrow Laughing in sorrow Rindo na tristeza Crying in lust Crying in lust Chorando na luxúria My strength slips away My strength slips away Minha força se acaba Soon I must fall Soon I must fall Breve cairei Victim of fortune Victim of fortune Vítima do destino My sources grow small My sources grow small Minha energia diminui Life slips away Life slips away A vida se vai As demons come forth As demons come forth Enquanto os demônios se aproximam Death takes my hand Death takes my hand A morte agarra minhas mãos And captures my soul And captures my soul E captura minha alma

Composição: Jeff Hanneman/Kerry King

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