Fighting in the city it's a matter of life and death Fighting in the city it's a matter of life and death Combates na cidade, é uma questão de vida ou morte It's as easy as black and white, and you'll fight 'till your last breath It's as easy as black and white, and you'll fight 'till your last breath É tão fácil como preto e branco, e você lutará até seu último suspiro They'll try and tell you that nothing's yours, but you're White men and they are wrong They'll try and tell you that nothing's yours, but you're White men and they are wrong Eles vão tentar te dizer que nada é seu, mas você é homens brancos e eles estão errados You are the warriors fighting for the people and you fight 'cos you are strong You are the warriors fighting for the people and you fight 'cos you are strong Vocês são os guerreiros lutando pelo povo e vocês lutam porque vocês são fortes (chorus) (chorus) (chorus) And they'll never, never beat the warriors And they'll never, never beat the warriors E eles nunca, nunca vencerão os guerreiros White warriors, White warriors White warriors, White warriors Guerreiros brancos, Guerreiros brancos And they'll never, never beat the warriors And they'll never, never beat the warriors E eles nunca, nunca vencerão os guerreiros White warriors, White warriors White warriors, White warriors Guerreiros brancos, Guerreiros brancos If they would bother to take a look around they'd see the writing was on the wall If they would bother to take a look around they'd see the writing was on the wall Se eles se preocuparam em dar uma olhada em volta verão que o edital estava na parede A lot of young people are waking up and answering the White man's call A lot of young people are waking up and answering the White man's call Um monte de jovens estão acordando e respondendo ao chamado do homem branco If they try to put us down and they don't destroy us we'll get strong If they try to put us down and they don't destroy us we'll get strong Se eles tentarem nos derrumar e não nos destruirem, nós ficaremos mais fortes Their constant lies and harassment only helps to make us carry on Their constant lies and harassment only helps to make us carry on Suas mentiras e constante assédio só ajuda a continuarmos When the battle is over and the victory is won When the battle is over and the victory is won Quando a batalha acabar e a vitória estiver garantida And the White man's lands are owned by true White people, And the White man's lands are owned by true White people, E as terras do homem branco estiverem de posse dos verdadeiros brancos the traitors will all be gone the traitors will all be gone os traidores serão todos expulsos.