
Past Present

Passado Presente

is this pure reality could we be led to believe is this pure reality could we be led to believe É esta realidade pura poderíamos ser levados a crer lemmings up against a sea drowning in speculation lemmings up against a sea drowning in speculation lemmings se contra um mar de afogamento na especulação even told when waters older more polluted never even told when waters older more polluted never mesmo disse quando as águas mais poluídas nunca mais drink the murky media to plumb the depth of time drink the murky media to plumb the depth of time beber a mídia tenebroso para sondar a profundidade do tempo what of human frailty visualize with clarity what of human frailty visualize with clarity o da fragilidade humana visualizar com clareza past the sanitation to the childish flesh and bone past the sanitation to the childish flesh and bone após o saneamento para a carne e os ossos infantis bleaching sticks and stoner ribs pukes up gallows laughter bleaching sticks and stoner ribs pukes up gallows laughter branqueamento paus e costelas até stoner pukes riso forca stage the mighty media blessing this sanitation stage the mighty media blessing this sanitation fase, a bênção de mídia poderoso esta saneamento what is this supposed to hold what is this supposed to hold o que é isso supostamente abrigam freedoms crush disparaged souls freedoms crush disparaged souls liberdades esmagar almas rebaixado despot dug in yellowcake and failed to certify despot dug in yellowcake and failed to certify déspota cavado em yellowcake e não certifica it crippled son to pass it on a hatred fed on hatred born it crippled son to pass it on a hatred fed on hatred born que aleijou o filho para dá-lo a um ódio alimentado pelo ódio nascido deify defensive form as if to never see that deify defensive form as if to never see that deificar forma defensiva como se nunca a ver que what is real canned I feel less important than today what is real canned I feel less important than today o que é real enlatados eu me sinto menos importante do que hoje anyway is it worth the slaughter? anyway is it worth the slaughter? de qualquer forma vale a pena o abate? Sit and feel absolutely zero suffering Sit and feel absolutely zero suffering Sente-se e sentir-se absolutamente zero o sofrimento a condition worth denying a condition worth denying vale a pena negar uma condição pasted carcass killing fields pasted carcass killing fields carcaça colado campos da morte body parts off dolls that bleed body parts off dolls that bleed parte do corpo fora bonecos que sangram who was once committed for pulling wings off flying things who was once committed for pulling wings off flying things que já foi cometido para puxar as asas para voar as coisas feeling bold to knot put over twisted ever after feeling bold to knot put over twisted ever after sentimento em negrito para nó colocar mais torcida sempre hissing faded left alone to replicate the lie hissing faded left alone to replicate the lie assobio desbotada deixada sozinha para replicar a mentira what is real what is real o que é real asks the dream asks the dream pergunta o sonho some dim shift a rift within some dim shift a rift within alguma mudança dim um racha dentro funniest funniest a mais engraçada seems a distant the damp ring seems a distant the damp ring Parece um anel distante úmido fitting end fitting end montagem final destitution ego death within destitution ego death within morte destituição do ego dentro a condition dear dementia a condition dear dementia uma demência querida condição

Composição: Skinny Puppy

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