The hopeless, the terrified The hopeless, the terrified La esperanza, el miedo You're petrified, its time to die You're petrified, its time to die Usted está petrificado, su tiempo de morir I vomit in the face of the faithful I vomit in the face of the faithful Vomito en la cara de los fieles The mislead, the ignorant The mislead, the ignorant El engaño, la ignorancia The ones who are truly dangerous The ones who are truly dangerous Los que son verdaderamente peligrosos Decomposition of the human race Decomposition of the human race Descomposición de la raza humana A warning from beyond the grave A warning from beyond the grave Una advertencia desde el más allá Out of the ashes Out of the ashes Fuera de las cenizas And into the fucking flames And into the fucking flames Y en las llamas de mierda The souless, the unworthy The souless, the unworthy Los sin alma, el indigno The undead The undead Los muertos vivientes Now walk the walk the earth in pain Now walk the walk the earth in pain Ahora recorrer el camino de la tierra en el dolor To devour To devour Para devorar To massacre you To massacre you Para masacre que To overtake this world To overtake this world Para superar este mundo The mislead The mislead El inducir a error The ignorant The ignorant Los ignorantes The ones who are truly dangerous The ones who are truly dangerous Los que son verdaderamente peligrosos Its time to die Its time to die Su tiempo de morir Decomposition of the human race Decomposition of the human race Descomposición de la raza humana A warning from beyond the grave A warning from beyond the grave Una advertencia desde el más allá Out of the ashes Out of the ashes Fuera de las cenizas And into the fucking flames And into the fucking flames Y en las llamas de mierda The image of men betrays that which distinguishes him The image of men betrays that which distinguishes him La imagen de los hombres traiciona aquello que lo distingue From other animals From other animals De otros animales His ability to observe himself His ability to observe himself Su capacidad de observarse a sí mismo The decay of modern society, leads to doom The decay of modern society, leads to doom La decadencia de la sociedad moderna, lleva a la perdición Turn back the clock Turn back the clock Volver atrás el reloj Retreat Retreat Retiro Into the essance of life Into the essance of life En el essance de la vida But its too late for you now But its too late for you now Pero es demasiado tarde para usted ahora Its too late for you now Its too late for you now Es demasiado tarde para usted ahora Decomposition of the human race Decomposition of the human race Descomposición de la raza humana A warning from beyond the grave A warning from beyond the grave Una advertencia desde el más allá Out of the ashes Out of the ashes Fuera de las cenizas And into the fucking flames And into the fucking flames Y en las llamas de mierda Varicose the heart is now closed Varicose the heart is now closed Varicosas el corazón está cerrado Eyes still open, but soon you'll decompose Eyes still open, but soon you'll decompose Los ojos todavía abiertos, pero pronto va a descomponer And its a bottomless pit. And its a bottomless pit. Y es un pozo sin fondo.