Different lives Different lives Vidas diferentes In different places In different places Em lugares diferentes Familiar problems Familiar problems Problemas familiares Same old faces Same old faces Mesmos rostos antigos Shuffled lives Shuffled lives Vidas embaralhadas Into wrong categories Into wrong categories Em categorias erradas Cross the wires Cross the wires Cruze os fios And fuse humanities And fuse humanities E fundir humanidades Watch the muscles twitch Watch the muscles twitch Assista os músculos se contorcerem For a brand new switch For a brand new switch Para um novo interruptor Scientist G.P.'s Scientist G.P.'s Experimentos de cientistas With patient guinea-pigs With patient guinea-pigs Com porquinhos-da-índia Cureing their head-aches Cureing their head-aches Curando suas dores de cabeça With drastic side-effects With drastic side-effects Com efeitos colaterais drásticos With drastic: side-effects With drastic: side-effects Com drástica: Efeitos colaterais Doctor rectorates Doctor rectorates Reitorias dos Médicos Condescending from on high Condescending from on high Condescendente de alta For all hallucinaters For all hallucinaters Para todos os alucinadores See druggist in the sky See druggist in the sky Veja farmacêutico no céu In the sky In the sky No céu Vicar experiments Vicar experiments Experiências vigárias But it's blasphemy But it's blasphemy Mas é blasfêmia Dismissing thought of progress Dismissing thought of progress Descartando pensamento de progresso As the mark of devilry As the mark of devilry Como a marca da diabo As the mark of devilry As the mark of devilry Como a marca da diabo Watch the muscles twitch Watch the muscles twitch Assista os músculos se contorcerem For a brand new switch For a brand new switch Para um novo interruptor People walk People walk As pessoas caminham And even talk And even talk E até conversar People listen People listen As pessoas ouvem Then they halt Then they halt Então eles param Something blows up Something blows up Algo explode Won't come down Won't come down Não vai descer Scattered muscles twitch Scattered muscles twitch Músculos dispersos se contorcem Too late to switch Too late to switch Tarde demais para trocar They're dying to switch They're dying to switch Eles estão morrendo de vontade de mudar They're dying to switch They're dying to switch Eles estão morrendo de vontade de mudar Switch, switch Switch, switch Interruptor, interruptor Watch the muscles twitch Watch the muscles twitch Assista os músculos se contorcerem For a brand new switch For a brand new switch Para um novo interruptor They're dying to switch They're dying to switch Eles estão morrendo de vontade de mudar They're dying to They're dying to Eles estão morrendo de vontade de Switch, switch Switch, switch Interruptor, interruptor Watch the muscles twitch Watch the muscles twitch Assista os músculos se contorcerem For a brand new switch For a brand new switch Para um novo interruptor They're dying to switch They're dying to switch Eles estão morrendo de vontade de mudar They're dying to switch They're dying to switch Eles estão morrendo de vontade de mudar Switch, switch Switch, switch Interruptor, interruptor Switch, switch Switch, switch Interruptor, interruptor