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The Boxer

O Boxeador

I am just a poor boy. I am just a poor boy. Eu sou apenas um pobre menino Though my story's seldom told, Though my story's seldom told, Embora minha estória raramente seja contada I have squandered my resistance I have squandered my resistance Eu desperdicei minha resistência For a pocket full of mumbles, For a pocket full of mumbles, por um bolso cheio de resmungos Such are promises Such are promises como promessas All lies and jest All lies and jest Tudo mentiras e piadas Still, a man hears what he wants to hear Still, a man hears what he wants to hear Ainda assim, um homem ouve o que ele quer ouvir And disregards the rest And disregards the rest E ignora o resto When I left my home When I left my home And my family, And my family, Quando eu deixei minha casa I was no more than a boy I was no more than a boy E minha família In the company of strangers In the company of strangers Eu não era mais do que um menino In the quiet of the railway station, In the quiet of the railway station, Na companhia de estranhos Running scared, Running scared, Na quietude da estação de trem Laying low, Laying low, Correndo assustado Seeking out the poorer quarters Seeking out the poorer quarters Vagando Where the ragged people go, Where the ragged people go, Procurando pelos quarteirões mais pobres Looking for the places Looking for the places Onde os maltrapilhos vão Only they would know Only they would know Procurando pelos lugares Lie-la-lie... Lie-la-lie... Que só eles conhecem Asking only workman's wages Asking only workman's wages I come looking for a job, I come looking for a job, Lie-la-lie But I get no offers. But I get no offers. Just a come-on from the whores Just a come-on from the whores Pedindo apenas baixos salários On Seventh Avenue On Seventh Avenue Eu fui procurar trabalho I do declare, I do declare, Mas eu não tive nenhuma oferta There were times when I was so lonesome There were times when I was so lonesome Apenas um convite das prostitutas I took some comfort there. I took some comfort there. da Sétima Avenida Lie-la-lie... Lie-la-lie... Eu até admito Then I'm laying out my winter clothes Then I'm laying out my winter clothes Que houve vezes em que eu me senti tão sozinho And wishing I was gone, And wishing I was gone, Que fui buscar algum conforto lá Going home Going home Where the New York City winters Where the New York City winters Lie-la-lie Aren't bleeding me, Aren't bleeding me, Leading me, Leading me, Então, estou me desfazendo das minhas roupas de inverno Going home Going home E desejando ir embora In the clearing stands a boxer, In the clearing stands a boxer, Ir para casa And a fighter by his trade And a fighter by his trade Onde o frio de Nova Iorque And he carries the reminders And he carries the reminders Não me faça sangrar Of ev'ry glove that laid him down Of ev'ry glove that laid him down Me levando Or cut him till he cried out Or cut him till he cried out Para casa In his anger and shame, In his anger and shame, "I am leaving, I am leaving." "I am leaving, I am leaving." Na clareira está um boxeador But the fighter still remains But the fighter still remains E um lutador por profissão Lie-la-lie... Lie-la-lie... E ele carrega as lembranças

Composição: Paul Simon

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