
Point of View

Ponto de vista

Liberte as pessoas que você odeia Liberate the people that you hate Liberate the people that you hate Então se corte novamente Then cut yourself again Then cut yourself again Suba, então caia de volta Elevate then drop back down Elevate then drop back down E veja quantos restaram And see which ones remain And see which ones remain Lembre-se tudo que ela pode dizer É que ela sabe que ela quer Remember all that she can say is that she knows she wants Remember all that she can say is that she knows she wants isso... it.... it.... Você vai fazer isso You'll make it through You'll make it through Com outro ponto de vista novamente With another point of view again With another point of view again Você vai fazer isso Com outro ponto You'll make it through with another point You'll make it through with another point Acusação, Accusation Accusation sim significa não? Does yes mean no? Does yes mean no? Ou você mudou de idéia? Or have you changed your mind? Or have you changed your mind? Mate a nação antes que ela cresça E seja único Kill the nation before it grows and be one of a kind Kill the nation before it grows and be one of a kind Lembre-se tudo que ela pode dizer É que ela sabe que ela quer Remember all that she can say is that she knows she wants Remember all that she can say is that she knows she wants isso... it.... it.... Você vai fazer isso Com outro ponto de vista novamente You'll make it through with another point of view again You'll make it through with another point of view again Você vai fazer isso Com outro ponto You'll make it through with another point You'll make it through with another point Fingir que o mundo é um oceano Pretend the world's an ocean, oh Pretend the world's an ocean, oh Estou me afogando I'm drowning I'm drowning Fingir que estou poluído Pretend that I'm pollution, oh Pretend that I'm pollution, oh Estou morrendo I'm dying I'm dying Fingir que a carne é o vaqueiro Prentend the steak's a cowboy Prentend the steak's a cowboy E o beijo vai te matar And the kiss will kill you And the kiss will kill you Você vai fazer isso Com outro ponto de vista novamente You'll make it through with another point of view again You'll make it through with another point of view again Você vai fazer isso Com outro pooooonto You'll make it through with another pooooooiiiint You'll make it through with another pooooooiiiint

Composição: Daniel Johns

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