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The Letter

A carta

2nd of august 1797. his majesty ship "providence". boston. 2nd of august 1797. his majesty ship "providence". boston. 2 de Agosto de 1797, sua majestade navio 'Providência', Boston Dear prudence! Dear prudence! Cara Prudence! My words can't describe how heavy my burden has been during these few months. the rough My words can't describe how heavy my burden has been during these few months. the rough Minhas palavras não podem descrever o quão pesado meu fardo está sendo durante esses poucos meses. O mar Sea has delayed our journey back for several days the storm is settling now. and the crew is Sea has delayed our journey back for several days the storm is settling now. and the crew is agitado está atrasando nossa jornada de volta por vários dias, a tempestade está se resolvendo agora. E a tripulação Hastingly buying and loading cargo. unfortunately it requires my presence. so i'll i send this Hastingly buying and loading cargo. unfortunately it requires my presence. so i'll i send this está comprando e carregando o navio apressadamente.Infelizmenteisso requer minha presença. Então enviarei a Letter with the captain of the "capricorn". the last will of my brother, william, has been a saddening Letter with the captain of the "capricorn". the last will of my brother, william, has been a saddening carta com o capitão do 'Capricorn'. A última será a do meu irmão, William, está sendo uma tarefa Task. to try and sell his estate and belongings. his life's toil has grieved me as the Task. to try and sell his estate and belongings. his life's toil has grieved me as the triste. Tentar vender seus bens e pertences. Labutar a vida dele tem me aflingido como as Memories of him come vividly haunting me i miss home. the ways of the new world are not for me, and Memories of him come vividly haunting me i miss home. the ways of the new world are not for me, and lembranças dele vêm vívidamente me assombrando, eu sinto falta de casa. Os caminhos do Novo Mundo não são para mim. E Most of all i miss you, i could not believe such hick as i had when i first met you. my endless Most of all i miss you, i could not believe such hick as i had when i first met you. my endless mais do que tudo eu sinto falta de você, eu não pude confiar em tais lavradores como quando eu encontrei você primeiro. Meu eterno Dream is that you could be mine to love, i can only wish, though i think hopelessly, that i could Dream is that you could be mine to love, i can only wish, though i think hopelessly, that i could sonho é que você possa ser minha amada, eu só posso desejar, ainda que eu pense esesperadamente, que eu possa fazer Make you even partly as happy as i am with you - if only your father would find it in his heart to Make you even partly as happy as i am with you - if only your father would find it in his heart to você parcialmente feliz quando estiver com você - se ao menos seu pai considerar em seu coração nossos Understand our hearts desires over the fact that i am not of noble heir. i wish this voyage of Understand our hearts desires over the fact that i am not of noble heir. i wish this voyage of desejos íntimos acima do fato de que não sou herdeiro nobre. Eu desejo que essa longa viagem Grief would be over, i wish i was with you even i'm not at home in the joyous eves, dances and Grief would be over, i wish i was with you even i'm not at home in the joyous eves, dances and de mágoa faça bem, sempre desejo estar com você, não estou em sua casa nas vésperas felizes, dançando em Masquerades of the court. hopefully you haven't locked your smile behind the door of your room, Masquerades of the court. hopefully you haven't locked your smile behind the door of your room, bailes de máscara da corte. Você não precisa trancar seu sorriso desesperançosamente atrás da porta do seu quarto, Even when i'm gone. i do hope i am worthy enough to make you smile whence i return, my flame still Even when i'm gone. i do hope i am worthy enough to make you smile whence i return, my flame still enquanto eu estou sempre desaparecido. Espero ser digno o suficiente de fazê-la sorrir quando eu retornar, minha chama ainda Burns for you. Burns for you. queima por você. Yours beloving: antracon. Yours beloving: antracon. Seu amado: Antracon

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