


I don't want to watch it I don't want to watch it Eu não quero olhar when people look like Japanese when people look like Japanese quando as pessoas parecem japoneses you've got a product to sell you've got a product to sell você tem um produto para vender you sure produce it well you sure produce it well você tem certeza que o produz bem never gonna return it never gonna return it nunca vai devolver and I don't want to and I don't want to e eu não quero been looking everywhere been looking everywhere tenho procurado em todo lugar but nobody seems to care but nobody seems to care mas ninguém parece se importar when I'm all alone when I'm all alone quando eu estou totalmente sozinho been looking everywhere been looking everywhere tenho procurado em todo lugar but nobody seems to care but nobody seems to care mas ninguém parece se importar when I'm all alone when I'm all alone quando estou totalmente sozinho where is everybody where is everybody onde estão todos tell me what's happening tell me what's happening me diga o que está acontecendo and I am supposed to know what to do and I am supposed to know what to do e eu tenho que saber o que fazer when I return to the shop when I return to the shop quando volto para a loja they tell me it's not in stock they tell me it's not in stock eles me dizem que não tem em estoque I guess it's true I guess it's true eu acho que é verdade with all my products to date with all my products to date com todos meus produtos na data you'd think I would be in range you'd think I would be in range você pensaria que eu estaria alcançavel they say that looking back they say that looking back eles dizem que olhar para traz

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