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Sweet Potato

Batata Doce

She cooks you sweet potato you don't like aubergine She cooks you sweet potato you don't like aubergine Ela cozinha pra você batata doce, você não gosta de beringela She knows to boil the kettle when you hum bars from grease She knows to boil the kettle when you hum bars from grease Ela sabe ferver a chaleira quando você suja de graxa She senses you are lonely but still she can't be sure She senses you are lonely but still she can't be sure Ela sente que está solitário, mas ainda assim ela não pode ter certeza And so she stands and waits anticipating your thoughts And so she stands and waits anticipating your thoughts E assim ela se mantém e espera antecipar seus pensamentos How can she become the psychic that she longs to be to understand you How can she become the psychic that she longs to be to understand you Como ela pode se tornar o psíquico que ela deseja ser para entendê-lo How can she become the psychic that she longs to be to understand you How can she become the psychic that she longs to be to understand you Como ela pode se tornar o psíquico que ela deseja ser para entendê-lo He brushes thoroughly He brushes thoroughly Ele escova completamente He know she likes fresh breath He know she likes fresh breath Ele sabe que ela gosta de hálito fresco He rushes to the station He rushes to the station Ele corre para a estação He waits atop the steps He waits atop the steps Ele espera em cima dos degraus He's brought with him a mars bar He's brought with him a mars bar Ele trouxe com ele uma barra de chocolate She will not buy nestle She will not buy nestle Ela não vai comprar nestlé And later he'll perform And later he'll perform E mais tarde ele vai realizar A love-lorn serenade, a trade A love-lorn serenade, a trade Uma serenata de amor, uma troca How can she become the psychic that she longs to be to understand you How can she become the psychic that she longs to be to understand you Como ela pode se tornar o psíquico que ela deseja ser para entendê-lo How can she become the psychic that she longs to be to understand you How can she become the psychic that she longs to be to understand you Como ela pode se tornar o psíquico que ela deseja ser para entendê-lo So give her information to help her fill her holes So give her information to help her fill her holes Então, de a ela informações para ajudá-la a preencher seus buracos Give an ounce of power so he does not feel controlled Give an ounce of power so he does not feel controlled Dê uma onça de poder para que ele não se sinta controlada Help her to acknoledge the pain that you are in Help her to acknoledge the pain that you are in Ajudá-la a conhecer a dor que você está dentro Give to him a glimpse of that beneath your skin Give to him a glimpse of that beneath your skin Dê a ela um vislumbre desses debaixo da sua pele Now my inner dialogue is heaving with detest Now my inner dialogue is heaving with detest Agora o meu diálogo interno é exigente com detesto I am a martyr and a victim and I need to be caressed I am a martyr and a victim and I need to be caressed Eu sou um mártir e uma vítima e eu preciso ser acariciado I hate that you negate me, I'm a ghost at beck and call I hate that you negate me, I'm a ghost at beck and call Eu odeio que me negue, sou um fantasma na chamada I'm falling and placating, berate myself for staying I'm falling and placating, berate myself for staying Estou caindo e aplacando, me repreenda para ficar I'm a fool I'm a fool Sou uma tola I'm a fool I'm a fool Sou uma tola He greets his stranger meekly a thing that she accepts He greets his stranger meekly a thing that she accepts Ele cumprimenta seu estranho humildemente, uma coisa que ela aceita She sees him waiting often with chocolate on the steps She sees him waiting often with chocolate on the steps Ela o vê esperando, muitas vezes com chocolate sobre os degraus He senses she is lonely she's glad they finally met He senses she is lonely she's glad they finally met Ele sente que ela está sozinha, ela está feliz que eles finalmente se encontraram They take each other's hands walk into the sunset They take each other's hands walk into the sunset Dão as mãos e andam no pôr-do-sol

Composição: Kevin James Cormack, James Dearness Hogarth, Sia Kate I. Furler

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