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Fair Game

Jogo Justo

You terrify me You terrify me Você me assusta ‘Cause you’re a man, you’re not a boy ‘Cause you’re a man, you’re not a boy Porque você é um homem, e não um garoto You got some power You got some power Você tem algum poder And I can’t treat you like a toy And I can’t treat you like a toy Eu não consigo te tratar como um brinquedo You’re the road less You’re the road less Você é uma estrada perdida Travelled by a little girl Travelled by a little girl Percorrida por uma garotinha You disregard the mess You disregard the mess Você ignora a bagunça While I try to control the world While I try to control the world Enquanto tento controlar o mundo Don’t leave me Don’t leave me Não me abandone Stay here and frighten me Stay here and frighten me Fique aqui e me assuste Don’t leave me Don’t leave me Não me abandone Come now, enlighten me Come now, enlighten me Venha agora, me dê uma luz Give me all you got Give me all you got Me dê tudo o que você tem Give me your wallet and your watch Give me your wallet and your watch Me dê sua carteira e seu relógio Give me your first-born Give me your first-born Me dê seu filho primogênito Give me the rainbow and the Give me the rainbow and the Me dê o arco-íris e o So go on and challenge me So go on and challenge me Então vá em frente e me desafie Take the reigns and see Take the reigns and see Tome as rédeas e veja Watch me squirm, baby Watch me squirm, baby Me observe contorcer de dor, baby But you are just what I need But you are just what I need Mas você é tudo de que eu preciso And I never played a fair game And I never played a fair game E eu nunca joguei um jogo justo I’ve always had the upper hand I’ve always had the upper hand Eu sempre estava com vantagem But what good is intellect and airplay But what good is intellect and airplay Mas o que adianta ter inteligência e coragem If I can’t respect any man If I can’t respect any man Se eu não consigo respeitar nenhum homem Yeah, I want to play a fair game Yeah, I want to play a fair game Sim, eu quero jogar um jogo justo Yeah, I want to play a fair game Yeah, I want to play a fair game Sim, eu nunca joguei um jogo justo You terrify me You terrify me Você me assusta We’ve still not kissed We’ve still not kissed Ainda nem nos beijamos And yet I’ve cried And yet I’ve cried E eu já chorei You got too close and You got too close and Você se aproximou muito e I pushed and pushed I pushed and pushed Eu empurrei e empurrei Hoping you’d bite Hoping you’d bite Esperando que você mordesse So I could run run So I could run run Assim eu poderia correr correr And that I did but through the dust And that I did but through the dust E eu corri evitando que me pegassem You saw those teeth marks You saw those teeth marks Você viu aquelas marcas de dentes They weren’t all yours They weren’t all yours Elas não eram todas suas You had been thrust into a history You had been thrust into a history Você confiou numa história That had not worked for me That had not worked for me Que não funcionou para mim Into a history from which I could not flee Into a history from which I could not flee Numa história da qual eu não pude fugir So go on and shake me So go on and shake me Então vá e me chacoalhe Shake until I give it up Shake until I give it up Me chacoalhe até que eu desista Wearing me down, baby Wearing me down, baby Me pondo para baixo, baby I know that we could make some love I know that we could make some love Eu sei que poderíamos ter feito amor So go on and challenge me So go on and challenge me Então vá em frente e me desafie Take the reigns and see Take the reigns and see Tome as rédeas e veja Watch me squirm, baby Watch me squirm, baby Me observe contorcer de dor, baby But you are just what I need But you are just what I need Mas você é tudo de que eu preciso And I never played a fair game And I never played a fair game E eu nunca joguei um jogo justo I’ve always had the upper hand I’ve always had the upper hand Eu sempre estava com vantagem But what good is intellect and airplay But what good is intellect and airplay Mas o que adianta ter inteligência e coragem If I can’t respect any man If I can’t respect any man Se eu não consigo respeitar nenhum homem Yeah, I want to play a fair game Yeah, I want to play a fair game Sim, eu quero jogar um jogo justo Yeah, I want to play a fair game Yeah, I want to play a fair game Sim, eu quero jogar um jogo justo And I never played a fair game And I never played a fair game E eu nunca joguei um jogo justo I’ve always had the upper hand I’ve always had the upper hand Eu sempre estava com vantagem But what good is intellect and airplay But what good is intellect and airplay Mas o que adianta ter inteligência e coragem If I can’t respect any man If I can’t respect any man Se eu não consigo respeitar nenhum homem Yeah, I want to play a fair game Yeah, I want to play a fair game Sim, eu quero jogar um jogo justo No, I never played a fair game No, I never played a fair game Não, eu nunca joguei um jogo justo I’ve always had the upper hand I’ve always had the upper hand Eu sempre estava com vantagem But what good is intellect and airplay But what good is intellect and airplay Mas o que adianta ter inteligência e coragem If I can’t respect any man If I can’t respect any man Se eu não consigo respeitar nenhum homem Yeah, I want to play a fair game Yeah, I want to play a fair game Sim, eu quero jogar um jogo justo Yeah, I want to play a fair game Yeah, I want to play a fair game Sim, eu quero jogar um jogo justo

Composição: Greg Kurstin/Sia

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