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Alley Cat

Alley Cat

Oh I've been going through a hell of a time Oh I've been going through a hell of a time Oh, Eu tenho passado por um momento infernal Making sense of everything you left behind Making sense of everything you left behind Entendendo tudo que você pra trás When I arrange it into columns and lines When I arrange it into columns and lines Quando eu organizo isso em colunas e linhas I always think it's adding up, but it never does I always think it's adding up, but it never does Eu sempre acho que está fazendo sentido, mas nunca faz So in the morning maybe I'll be alright So in the morning maybe I'll be alright Então pela manhã talvez eu vou estar bem And through the day I'll prepare for the fight And through the day I'll prepare for the fight E durante o dia eu vou me preparar para a luta With a fever on a Saturday night With a fever on a Saturday night Agitado num sábado a noite Cause this is giving me the shakes and butterflies, oh Cause this is giving me the shakes and butterflies, oh Porque isso esta me dando tremedeiras e frio na barriga, oh And if you don't stop running you can never breathe And if you don't stop running you can never breathe E se você não parar de correr, você nunca poderá respirar When everything you want is everything you see When everything you want is everything you see Quando tudo que você quer é tudo que você vê But when it comes to decision baby, him or me But when it comes to decision baby, him or me Mas quando chegar à decisão, baby, ele ou eu Well I hope you can feel the need Well I hope you can feel the need Bem, eu espero que você possa sentir a necessidade What made you an alley cat scratching me? What made you an alley cat scratching me? O que te faz ser um gato de rua me arranhando? You dig deep with your nails and flash your teeth You dig deep with your nails and flash your teeth Você afunda suas unhas profundamente e mostra seus dentes And run off to where your next big meal could be And run off to where your next big meal could be E foge para onde seu próximo banquete possa ser What made you an alley cat scratching me? What made you an alley cat scratching me? O que te faz ser um gato de rua me arranhando? You dig deep with your nails and flash your teeth You dig deep with your nails and flash your teeth Você afunda suas unhas profundamente e mostra seus dentes And run off because you must be tired of me And run off because you must be tired of me E foge porque você deve estar cansada de mim Run off because you must be tired of me Run off because you must be tired of me Foge porque você deve estar cansada de mim And there's a scene I will always replay And there's a scene I will always replay E tem uma cena que eu sempre irei reviver At the moment when my hand touched your face At the moment when my hand touched your face No momento onde minha mão tocou seu rosto I could see your eyes turning away I could see your eyes turning away Eu pude ver seus olhos revirando But I've been standing my ground with you babe But I've been standing my ground with you babe Mas eu tenho sustentado meu fundamento com você baby And if you don't stop running you can never breathe And if you don't stop running you can never breathe E se você não parar de correr, você nunca poderá respirar When everything you want is everything you see When everything you want is everything you see Quando tudo que você quer é tudo que você vê But when it comes to decision baby, him or me But when it comes to decision baby, him or me Mas quando vier à decisão, baby, ele ou eu Well I hope you can feel the need Well I hope you can feel the need Bem, eu espero que você possa sentir a necessidade What made you an alley cat scratching me? What made you an alley cat scratching me? O que te faz ser um gato de rua me arranhando? You dig deep with your nails and flash your teeth You dig deep with your nails and flash your teeth Você afunda suas unhas profundamente e mostra seus dentes And run off to where your next big meal could be And run off to where your next big meal could be E foge para onde seu próximo banquete possa ser What made you an alley cat scratching me? What made you an alley cat scratching me? O que te faz ser um gato de rua me arranhando? You dig deep with your nails and flash your teeth You dig deep with your nails and flash your teeth Você afunda suas unhas profundamente e mostra seus dentes And run off because you must be tired of me And run off because you must be tired of me E foge porque você deve estar cansada de mim Run off because you must be tired of me Run off because you must be tired of me Foge porque você deve estar cansada de mim And now I fall in love with somebody everyday And now I fall in love with somebody everyday E agora eu me apaixono por alguém todo dia As they step aside when I'm walking by, or smile at something I say As they step aside when I'm walking by, or smile at something I say Quando eles abrem caminho quando eu estou passando ou sorriem de alguma coisa que eu digo But I promised you it would never get in the way But I promised you it would never get in the way Mas eu te prometi que isso nunca iria ficar no caminho Of stability but the joke's on me, cause you were the one who got carried away Of stability but the joke's on me, cause you were the one who got carried away Da estabilidade, mas o motivo da piada sou eu, porque você foi a que foi carregada embora Oh, you got carried away Oh, you got carried away Oh, você foi carregada embora Well he carried you away Well he carried you away Bem, ele te carregou embora Carried you away Carried you away Te carregou embora Carried you away Carried you away Te carregou embora Carried you away Carried you away Te carregou embora

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