
Fairy Tale

Fairy lady, who stands on the walls Fairy lady, who stands on the walls Hada, que estas parada sobre las paredes Life is short and wait is long Life is short and wait is long La vida es corta y la espera es larga The stars, away, dim with the dawn... The stars, away, dim with the dawn... Las estrellas, lejos, desvaneciéndose con el amanecer... Fairy lady, who stands on the walls Fairy lady, who stands on the walls Hada, que estas parada sobre las paredes     Your tale has only begun Your tale has only begun Tu cuento recién ha empezado It comes from far, the Nowhereland It comes from far, the Nowhereland Viene desde lejos, la tierra de ningún lugar The wind is blowing a sound well known... The wind is blowing a sound well known... El viento sopla un sonido bien conocido... Fairy lady, your love is long gone Fairy lady, your love is long gone Hada, tu amor se ha ido hace tiempo     Oh darling, hear my soul and heed my cry Oh darling, hear my soul and heed my cry Oh querida, escucha mi alma y consiera mi llanto Cause all my crying may flood Cause all my crying may flood Porque todo mi llanto tal vez forme A river in my heart A river in my heart Un río en mi corazón     Oh, life is good, Oh, life is good, Oh, la vida es buena, Oh, life is good, Oh, life is good, Oh, la vida es buena, Oh, life is good... Oh, life is good... Oh, la vida es buena... As good as you wish! As good as you wish! Tan buena como lo desees!     Pretty lady, the horses are back Pretty lady, the horses are back Muchacha linda, los caballos regresaron Bringing joy and happiness Bringing joy and happiness Trayendo alegria y felicidad But all of a sudden the horses are gone But all of a sudden the horses are gone Pero de repente los caballos se van It was only the sound It was only the sound Fue solo el sonido Of your heartbeat alone! Of your heartbeat alone! Del latido de tu corazón!     Oh darling, hear my soul and heed my cry Oh darling, hear my soul and heed my cry Oh querida, escucha mi alma y consiera mi llanto Cause all my crying may flood Cause all my crying may flood Porque todo mi llanto tal vez forme An ocean in my heart An ocean in my heart Un río en mi corazón     Oh, life is good, Oh, life is good, Oh, la vida es buena, Oh, life is good, Oh, life is good, Oh, la vida es buena, Oh, life is good... Oh, life is good... Oh, la vida es buena... As good as a kiss! As good as a kiss! Tan buena como un beso!     Oh my darling, now I cannot Oh my darling, now I cannot Oh querida, ahora no puedo Halt my cries Halt my cries Detener mi llanto My tears have drowned me My tears have drowned me Mis lágrimas me han ahogado And I refuse to realise And I refuse to realise Y yo me niego a darme aceptarlo     What's left around me, What's left around me, Lo que quedó alrededor de mi, It's all so strange, It's all so strange, Es todo tan extraño, It's all so dark It's all so dark Es todo tan oscuro I'm all alone here I'm all alone here Estoy totalmente solo aqui To mend the pieces of my heart To mend the pieces of my heart Para arreglar las piezas de mi corazón     Little lady, your tale has an end Little lady, your tale has an end Pequeña muchacha, tu cuento tiene un final For your love to the skies was sent For your love to the skies was sent Y por tu amor fue enviado a los cielos He's turned into sparks He's turned into sparks El lo ha convertido en chispas That shine with the stars... That shine with the stars... Que brillan junto a las estrellas...     ...And by night he will always be there ...And by night he will always be there ...Y por las noches el siempre estará alli For his lady to stare For his lady to stare Para que su muchacha lo mire fijamente And thus he's never died. And thus he's never died. Y que de esta manera nunca haya muerto

Composição: Letra: André Matos - Música: Shaman

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