When doors of hope open When doors of hope open Quando as portas da esperança se abrem To illuminate silence To illuminate silence Para iluminar o silêncio Release us to the utopians Release us to the utopians Nos libertar dos utópicos Let go of your resistance Let go of your resistance Permitar sair de tua resistência The winding road of holiday The winding road of holiday A rodovia tortuosa de um feriado The bully runs from his corner The bully runs from his corner Os brutamontes correm de suas esquinas Through the media Through the media Através da mídia Hungry hunger further Hungry hunger further Fome faminta além The hungry hunger further The hungry hunger further A fome faminta além Thanks for allowing us to fuck you Thanks for allowing us to fuck you Obrigada por nos permitir te foder Behind closed doors Behind closed doors Atrás de portas fechadas Closed minds Closed minds Mentes fechadas Attractive feudalism Attractive feudalism Feudalismo atrativo Commercial Orwellianism Commercial Orwellianism Orwellianism comercial Thanks for allowing us to fuck you Thanks for allowing us to fuck you Obrigada por nos permitir te foder Behind closed doors Behind closed doors Atrás de portas fechadas Closed minds Closed minds Mentes fechadas Attractive feudalism Attractive feudalism Feudalismo atrativo Commercial Orwellianism Commercial Orwellianism Orwellianism comercial The final revolution The final revolution A revolução final Will illuminate silence Will illuminate silence Vai iluminar o silêncio Release us to the utopians Release us to the utopians Nos libertar dos utópicos Let go, let go Let go, let go Vamos permitir, vamos permitir In dire nead of reason In dire nead of reason Em desesperada necessidade de razão In a truly deaf nation In a truly deaf nation Em uma verdadeira nação surda In dire nead of reason In dire nead of reason Em desesperada necessidade de razão In a truly deaf nation In a truly deaf nation Em uma verdadeira nação surda Without education there is no real democracy Without education there is no real democracy Sem educação não há democracia realmente Without education there is only autocracy Without education there is only autocracy Sem educação só há autocracia I'll be sittin' on my portch and doing nothin all day. mmh hmm I'll be sittin' on my portch and doing nothin all day. mmh hmm Eu estarei sentando em meu Just you Just you Apenas você Sitting alone Sitting alone Sentando-se sozinho Open your eyes Open your eyes Abram seus olhos Open your mouths Open your mouths Abram suas bocas Close your hands Close your hands Aproximem suas mãos And make a fist And make a fist E se deem as mãos Down with the System! Down with the System! Abaixo o sistema As we lay helpless against the machine As we lay helpless against the machine Conforme nos deitamos contra a máquina Open your eyes Open your eyes Abram seus olhos Open your mouths Open your mouths Abram suas bocas Close your hands Close your hands Aproximem suas mãos And make a fist And make a fist E se deem as mãos Down with the System! Down with the System! Abaixo o sistema As we lay helpless against the machine As we lay helpless against the machine Conforme nos deitamos contra a máquina Open your eyes Open your eyes Abram seus olhos Open your mouths Open your mouths Abram suas bocas Close your hands Close your hands Aproximem suas mãos And make a fist And make a fist E se deem as mãos Down with the System! Down with the System! Abaixo o sistema As we lay helpless against the machine As we lay helpless against the machine Conforme nos deitamos contra a máquina The winding road of holiday The winding road of holiday A rodovia tortuosa de um feriado The bully runs from his corner The bully runs from his corner Os brutamontes correm de suas esquinas Through the media Through the media Através da mídia Hungry hunger further Hungry hunger further Fome faminta além The hungry hunger further The hungry hunger further A fome faminta além Thanks for allowing us to fuck you Thanks for allowing us to fuck you Obrigada por nos permitir te foder Behind closed doors Behind closed doors Atrás de portas fechadas Closed minds Closed minds Mentes fechadas Attractive feudalism Attractive feudalism Feudalismo atrativo Commercial Orwellianism Commercial Orwellianism Orwellianism comercial The final revolution The final revolution A revolução final Will illuminate silence Will illuminate silence Vai iluminar o silêncio Release us to the utopians Release us to the utopians Nos libertar dos utópicos Let go of your resistance Let go of your resistance Permitar sair de tua resistência The final revolution The final revolution A revolução final Will illuminate silence Will illuminate silence Vai iluminar o silêncio Release us to the utopians Release us to the utopians Nos libertar dos utópicos Let go, let go Let go, let go Vamos permitir, vamos permitir In dire nead of reason In dire nead of reason Em desesperada necessidade de razão In a truly deaf nation In a truly deaf nation Em uma verdadeira nação surda In dire nead of reason In dire nead of reason Em desesperada necessidade de razão In a truly deaf nation In a truly deaf nation Em uma verdadeira nação surda Without education there is no real democracy Without education there is no real democracy Sem educação não há democracia realmente Without education there is only autocracy Without education there is only autocracy Sem educação só há autocracia In dire nead of reason In dire nead of reason Em desesperada necessidade de razão In a truly deaf nation In a truly deaf nation Em uma verdadeira nação surda In dire nead of reason In dire nead of reason Em desesperada necessidade de razão In a truly deaf nation In a truly deaf nation Em uma verdadeira nação surda Without education there is no real democracy Without education there is no real democracy Sem educação não há democracia realmente Without education there is only autocracy Without education there is only autocracy Sem educação só há autocracia