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How Many Times

Quantas vezes

How many times must we die? How many times must we die? Quantas vezes devemos morrer? And how many times must we live? And how many times must we live? E quantas vezes devemos viver? Why must the truth be denied? Why must the truth be denied? Por que a verdade deve ser negada? When will the truth be revealed? When will the truth be revealed? Quando a verdade será revelada? How many times must we learn? How many times must we learn? Quantas vezes devemos aprender? And how many times must we fall? And how many times must we fall? E quantas vezes devemos cair? How many times must we burn How many times must we burn Quantas vezes devemos queimar For us to be one and all For us to be one and all Para nós sermos um e todos You tell me that you're home again You tell me that you're home again Você me diz que está em casa de novo The Sun will wake up the sky The Sun will wake up the sky O sol vai acordar o céu With feelings of love With feelings of love Com sentimentos de amor How many times must we care? How many times must we care? Quantas vezes devemos nos preocupar? And how many times must we win? And how many times must we win? E quantas vezes devemos vencer? When will the earth just stand still When will the earth just stand still Quando a terra vai ficar parada So we can stop murd?ring our kin So we can stop murd?ring our kin Então, podemos parar de assassinar nossos parentes You tell me that you're hom? again You tell me that you're hom? again Você me diz que está em casa de novo The Sun will wake up the sky The Sun will wake up the sky O sol vai acordar o céu Why must we be born again to rebel in July Why must we be born again to rebel in July Por que devemos nascer de novo para nos rebelar em julho With feelings of love With feelings of love Com sentimentos de amor God waved us goodbye God waved us goodbye Deus acenou para nós um adeus To learn, to love and to die To learn, to love and to die Para aprender, amar e morrer Death screams goodbye Death screams goodbye Morte grita adeus We belong to the night We belong to the night Nós pertencemos à noite You prophesized all of this from Belfast to Soweto You prophesized all of this from Belfast to Soweto Você profetizou tudo isso de Belfast a Soweto We canonized all prophets from Gaza to the ghettos We canonized all prophets from Gaza to the ghettos Nós canonizamos todos os profetas de Gaza para os guetos When justice, when awakeness turns the dreamless and the hopeless When justice, when awakeness turns the dreamless and the hopeless Quando a justiça, quando o despertar torna o sem sonhos e o desesperado Forgiveness for the witness Forgiveness for the witness Perdão pela testemunha In this callous prognosis (-nosis, -nosis) In this callous prognosis (-nosis, -nosis) Neste prognóstico insensível (-nose, -nose) God waved us goodbye God waved us goodbye Deus acenou para nós um adeus To learn, to love and to die To learn, to love and to die Para aprender, amar e morrer Death screams goodbye Death screams goodbye Morte grita adeus We belong We belong Nós pertencemos God waved us goodbye God waved us goodbye Deus acenou para nós um adeus To learn, to love and to die To learn, to love and to die Para aprender, amar e morrer Death screams goodbye Death screams goodbye Morte grita adeus We belong to the night We belong to the night Nós pertencemos à noite How many times must we die? How many times must we die? Quantas vezes devemos morrer? How many times must we live? How many times must we live? Quantas vezes devemos viver?

Composição: Serj Tankian

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