
To The Wall

Para A Parede

To the wall - claims the soldier To the wall - claims the soldier Para a parede - exige o soldado My last steps march to the dead My last steps march to the dead Meus últimos passos marcham para a morte Last wills! Hell! This is idiotism Last wills! Hell! This is idiotism Últimos desejos! isso é idiotismo Fuck off to me, fuck off to all of you Fuck off to me, fuck off to all of you Porra Saiam de perto de mimcaiam fora todos vocês To the death - I raise my head To the death - I raise my head Para a morte - Eu ergo minha cabeça My last moments - it's my existing countdown My last moments - it's my existing countdown Meu último momento- É minha contagem regressiva existente A cry for mercy trapped in my throat A cry for mercy trapped in my throat Um grito por misericórdia preso em minha garganta But even in hell there's a place for cowards But even in hell there's a place for cowards Mas até mesmo no inferno há um lugar para covardes The burning sun over my head The burning sun over my head O sol queimando sobre minha cabeça The troop is comin' - compassion I dismiss The troop is comin' - compassion I dismiss A tropa está vindo - compaixão que eu relego Sentence of death pounding on my back Sentence of death pounding on my back Sentença de morte que bate em minhas costas There's no hiding when you're thrown against the wall There's no hiding when you're thrown against the wall Não há nenhum esconderijoquando você é jogado contra a parede To paradise, the priest is saying... blessing my death To paradise, the priest is saying... blessing my death Para o paraíso está dizendo o padre... abençoando minha morte He's standing in front of me... his merciful sight sickens me He's standing in front of me... his merciful sight sickens me Ele permanece na minha frente sua visão misericordiosa me adoece He says that soon I'll have my judgement... He says that soon I'll have my judgement... Ele diz que logo eu terei meu julgamento... I'll kneel down in front of the Lord I'll kneel down in front of the Lord Eu irei me ajoelhar na frente do Senhor And he asks me to regret my sins.. but it's too late And he asks me to regret my sins.. but it's too late E ele me pede que eu me arrependa dos meus pecados... mas é tarde Growling words from the bible... raising my agony Growling words from the bible... raising my agony Murmurando palavras da bíblia... erguendo minha agonia Oh God!... how I'd like to have my hands untied Oh God!... how I'd like to have my hands untied Oh Deus!...como eu gostaria de ter minhas mãos desatadas The wall I'm facing now The wall I'm facing now A muralha que estou encarando agora Seeing my life going through my eyes Seeing my life going through my eyes Vendo minha vida passando por meus olhos Feeling death behind my back Feeling death behind my back Sentindo a morte atrás das minhas costas An acrid taste of defeat tormenting my last years An acrid taste of defeat tormenting my last years Um gosto amargo da derrota atormentando meus últimos anos And when I feel my body being... Punched... Smashed And when I feel my body being... Punched... Smashed E quando sinto meu corpo sendo perfurado... Esmagado There's no pain... just silence There's no pain... just silence Não há nenhuma dor... Somente o silêncio My last breath echoing... spreading through the air My last breath echoing... spreading through the air Minha última respiração ecoando... Propagando-se pelo ar My body in pieces.. a stream of blood... My body in pieces.. a stream of blood... Meu corpo em pedaços... Uma correnteza de sangue... Bloody drops whipping the wall Bloody drops whipping the wall Gotas sangrentas chicoteando a parede The silent wall that has understood my silence The silent wall that has understood my silence A parede silenciosa que entendeu meu siêncio The silence that was a prisoner of my soul The silence that was a prisoner of my soul O silêncio que era prisioneiro da minha alma Is my soul that now is the ruler of the world Is my soul that now is the ruler of the world É minha alma que agora é a governante do mundo To the wall To the wall Para a parede

Composição: Korg, Andreas Rudolf Kisser, Igor Cavalera, Max Cavalera, Paulo Xisto Jr. Pinto

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