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Guardians Of Earth

Guardiões da Terra

The fight has started again The fight has started again A luta começou de novo The blood is staining our hands The blood is staining our hands O sangue está manchando nossas mãos Selfish desires Selfish desires Desejos egoístas Commence the killing again Commence the killing again Comece a matança novamente Illusion of wealth Illusion of wealth Ilusão de riqueza Stirring the rage Stirring the rage Agitando a raiva The fight has started again The fight has started again A luta começou de novo Blood has been shed Blood has been shed Sangue foi derramado Our earth Our earth Nossa terra Our salvation Our salvation Nossa salvação Slips through Slips through Deslizando através Our hands are tied Our hands are tied De nossas mãos atadas We've sold our souls We've sold our souls Nós vendemos nossas almas There's no place to hide There's no place to hide Não há lugar para se esconder Why, We closed our eyes Why, We closed our eyes Porque fechamos os olhos There's no second chance There's no second chance Não há uma segunda chance Self destruction Self destruction Auto destruição By speaking the truth By speaking the truth Por falar a verdade We stay alive We stay alive Nós continuamos vivos Preserve our way Preserve our way Preserve o nosso caminho It's where we all come from It's where we all come from É de onde todos nós viemos Strong in our stance Strong in our stance Nossa postura é forte The source of our life The source of our life A fonte da nossa vida There's no second chance There's no second chance Não há uma segunda chance Total demise Total demise Falecimento total Blinded by faith Blinded by faith Cego pela fé Cold blooded murder Cold blooded murder Um assassinato á sangue frio Now, reverse what we've done Now, reverse what we've done Agora, reverta aquilo que fizemos Save our future Save our future Salve o nosso futuro We'll never give in We'll never give in Nós nunca desistiremos Preserve our future Preserve our future Preserve o nosso futuro Never give up Never give up Nunca desista Fight till the end Fight till the end Lute até o fim Never give up Never give up Nunca desista

Composição: Eloy Casagrande, Paulo Xisto Pinto Jr., Andreas Rudolf Kisser, Derrick Leon Green

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