
Amazing Grace

Incrível Graça

Amazing grace how sweet the sound Amazing grace how sweet the sound Incrível graça quão doce o som That saved a wretch like me That saved a wretch like me Que salvou um infeliz como eu I once was lost but now am found I once was lost but now am found Eu estava perdido mas agora fui encontrado Was blind but now I see Was blind but now I see Era cego mas agora vejo 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear Foi a graça que ensinou meu coração a temer And grace my fears relieved And grace my fears relieved E a graça aliviou meus medos How precious did that grace appear How precious did that grace appear Quão preciosa aquela graça aparecer The hour I first believed The hour I first believed A hora em que eu acreditei When we've been there ten thousand years When we've been there ten thousand years Quando nós estivemos lá dez mil anos Bright shining as the sun Bright shining as the sun Luz brilhante como o sol We've no less days to sing God's praise We've no less days to sing God's praise Nós não tivemos menos dias para cantar louvores a Deus Than when we'd first begun Than when we'd first begun Que quando nós tínhamos começado primeiro

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