You ask me to forgive you for your mistakes You ask me to forgive you for your mistakes Você me pede para perdoar suas falhas I've always thought that they were mine I've always thought that they were mine Eu sempre pensei que as falhas eram minhas Your mistakes did were forgotten Your mistakes did were forgotten Seus erros já foram esquecidos But it's impossible to forgive oneself But it's impossible to forgive oneself Mas não se pode perdoar a si mesmo Now I live barred in my own world Now I live barred in my own world Agora eu vivo trancado em meu mundo Hearing screams from the shadows Hearing screams from the shadows Ouvindo gritos vindos das sombras They are traumas covered by the time They are traumas covered by the time São traumas encobertos pelo tempo But they aren't dead But they aren't dead Mas não mortos My mind is an empty place, terrified by old traumas My mind is an empty place, terrified by old traumas Minha mente é um lugar vazio, assombrado por antigos traumas Abstract remembrance Abstract remembrance Lembranças abstratas Figurative Wounds Figurative Wounds Feridas figurativas Forgive me for my mistakes Forgive me for my mistakes Perdoe meus erros And don't forget me And don't forget me E não me esqueça Cause I can't forgive me Cause I can't forgive me Pois eu não consigo me perdoar And I can't forget you And I can't forget you E não consigo esquecer você I can't leave this world I can't leave this world Eu não consigo deixar este mundo Even holding your hand to let you take me out of here Even holding your hand to let you take me out of here Segurar sua mão para me levar daqui Something pulls me down Something pulls me down Algo me puxa para baixo The shadows devour me The shadows devour me As sombras me engolem And I can see your hand fade away into a blue light And I can see your hand fade away into a blue light E eu vejo sua mão desaparecendo em uma luz azul