
Orgy of Flies

Orgia de moscas

There was a time There was a time Havia um tempo. When all countries were only one When all countries were only one Quando todos os países eram apenas um. For divine reasons, scientific laws For divine reasons, scientific laws Por divinas razões, regras ciêntíficas. The human have different colours The human have different colours O humano tem cores diferentes. Yellow, white, read and black Yellow, white, read and black Amarelo, branco, vermelho e negro. These are the colours of fashion These are the colours of fashion Essas são as cores da moda. The one who created us had cursed us The one who created us had cursed us Esse que nos criou tinhas nos amaldiçoado. With the gift of life and death With the gift of life and death Com o presente da vida e da morte. War after war War after war Guerra após guerra. We have learned nothing We have learned nothing Nós não temos aprendido nada. Hate is still alive Hate is still alive O ódio ainda está vivo! In the battle camps In the battle camps Nos campos de batalha. In the wooden shack In the wooden shack Na cabana de madeira. In the streets of the cities In the streets of the cities Nas ruas das cidades. Orgy of flies Orgy of flies Orgia de moscas. Under your nose Under your nose sobre seu nariz. Orgy of flies Orgy of flies Orgia de moscas. Over a billion corpses Over a billion corpses Sobre bilhões de cadáveres. Orgy of flies Orgy of flies Orgia de moscas. War, hate, anguish and pain War, hate, anguish and pain Guerra, ódio, angústia e dor. These men, poor humans These men, poor humans Esses homens, pobre humanos. So satisfied with others torment So satisfied with others torment Tão satisfeitos com outros tormentos. We want the end of this world We want the end of this world Nós queremos o fim desse muno. Never will give change to peace Never will give change to peace Nunca darão chance para a paz. The flies will forever continue The flies will forever continue As moscas sempre continuarão para sempre. In their orgy over the corpses In their orgy over the corpses Em sua orgia sobre os cadáveres. Hate is still alive Hate is still alive O ódio ainda está vivo.

Composição: Sarcófago/W.L.

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