
Gloomy Sunday

Domingo Tenebroso

Sunday is gloomy Sunday is gloomy Os domingos são tenebrosos My hours are slumberless My hours are slumberless As minhas horas sem sono Dearest the shadows Dearest the shadows Queridas as inúmeras sombras I live with are numberless I live with are numberless Com as quais convivo Little white flowers Little white flowers Pequenas flores brancas Will never awaken you Will never awaken you Não te acordarão Not where the black coach Not where the black coach Não onde o coche negro Of sorrow has taken you Of sorrow has taken you Da dor te levou Angels have no thought Angels have no thought Os anjos não pensam Of ever returning you Of ever returning you Em te devolver jamais Would they be angry Would they be angry Será que eles ficariam zangados If I thought of joining you If I thought of joining you Se eu me juntasse a ti? Gloomy Sunday Gloomy Sunday Domingo tenebroso Sunday is gloomy Sunday is gloomy Tenebrosos são os Domingos With shadows I spend it all With shadows I spend it all Passados nas sombras My heart and I have decided My heart and I have decided O meu coração e eu decidimos To end it all To end it all Acabar com tudo Soon there'll be flowers and prayers Soon there'll be flowers and prayers Daqui a pouco haverão flores That are said I know That are said I know E orações que dizem saber But let them not weep But let them not weep Mas não os deixem chorar Let them know Let them know Deixem saber That I'm glad to go That I'm glad to go O quão feliz estou por partir Death is no dream Death is no dream A morte não é um sonho For in death I'm caressing you For in death I'm caressing you Pois na morte eu te acaricio With the last breath of my soul With the last breath of my soul Com o último suspiro da minha alma I'll be blessing you I'll be blessing you Eu te abençoarei Gloomy Sunday Gloomy Sunday Domingo Tenebroso Dreaming Dreaming Sonhando I was only dreaming I was only dreaming Eu estava apenas sonhando I wake and I find you asleep I wake and I find you asleep Acordo e encontro-te a dormir In the deep of my heart dear In the deep of my heart dear No fundo do meu coração Darling I hope Darling I hope Meu querido, eu espero That my dream never haunted you That my dream never haunted you Que o meu sonho nunca te persiga My heart is telling you My heart is telling you O meu coração me diz How much I wanted you How much I wanted you O quanto eu te quero Gloomy Sunday Gloomy Sunday Domingo Tenebroso Gloomy Sunday Gloomy Sunday Domingo Tenebroso

Composição: Szomorú Vasárnap

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