

luz de calcio

Words by Neil Peart, Music by Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson Words by Neil Peart, Music by Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson Las palabras de Neil Peart, Música por Geddy Lee y Alex Lifeson Living on a lighted stage Living on a lighted stage La vida en un escenario iluminado Approaches the unreal Approaches the unreal Enfoques de lo irreal For those who think and feel For those who think and feel Para aquellos que piensan y sienten In touch with some reality In touch with some reality En contacto con una realidad Beyond the gilded cage Beyond the gilded cage Más allá de la jaula de oro Cast in this unlikely role, Cast in this unlikely role, Emitidos en este papel poco probable, Ill-equipped to act Ill-equipped to act Mal preparados para actuar With insufficient tact With insufficient tact Con el tacto suficiente One must put up barriers One must put up barriers Hay que poner barreras To keep oneself intact To keep oneself intact Para mantener intacto uno mismo Living in the limelight Living in the limelight Vivir en el centro de atención The universal dream The universal dream El sueño universal For those who wish to seem For those who wish to seem Para aquellos que deseen parece Those who wish to be Those who wish to be Aquellos que deseen ser Must put aside the alienation Must put aside the alienation Debe dejar a un lado de la enajenación Get on with the fascination Get on with the fascination Continuar con la fascinación The real relation The real relation La relación real The underlying theme The underlying theme El tema de fondo Living in a fisheye lens Living in a fisheye lens Vivir en una lente ojo de pez Caught in the camera eye Caught in the camera eye Atrapados en el ojo de la cámara I have no heart to lie I have no heart to lie No tengo corazón para mentir I can't pretend a stranger I can't pretend a stranger No puedo pretender un extraño Is a long-awaited friend Is a long-awaited friend Es un amigo muy esperada All the world's indeed a stage All the world's indeed a stage Todo el mundo es en realidad una etapa And we are merely players And we are merely players Y nosotros somos meros actores Performers and portrayers Performers and portrayers Artistas y retratistas Each another's audience Each another's audience Cada uno de otra audiencia Outside the gilded cage Outside the gilded cage Fuera de la jaula de oro

Composição: Neil Elwood Peart, Gary Lee Weinrib, Alex Zivojinovich

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