

libre albedrío

Words by Neil Peart, Music by Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson Words by Neil Peart, Music by Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson Las palabras de Neil Peart, Música por Geddy Lee y Alex Lifeson There are those who think that life There are those who think that life Hay quienes piensan que la vida Has nothing left to chance Has nothing left to chance No tiene nada librado al azar With a host of holy horrors With a host of holy horrors Con una serie de horrores sagrados To direct our aimless dance To direct our aimless dance Para dirigir nuestro baile sin rumbo A planet of playthings A planet of playthings Un planeta de los juguetes We dance on the strings We dance on the strings Bailamos en las cuerdas Of powers we cannot perceive Of powers we cannot perceive De los poderes que no podemos percibir "The stars aren't aligned --- "The stars aren't aligned --- "Las estrellas no están alineados --- Or the gods are malign" Or the gods are malign" O los dioses son malignos " Blame is better to give than receive Blame is better to give than receive La culpa es mejor dar que recibir You can choose a ready guide You can choose a ready guide Usted puede elegir una guía preparada In some celestial voice In some celestial voice En una voz celestial If you choose not to decide If you choose not to decide Si decide no decidir You still have made a choice You still have made a choice Usted todavía tiene que hacer una elección You can choose from phantom fears You can choose from phantom fears Puede elegir entre temores fantasma And kindness that can kill And kindness that can kill Y la bondad que puede matar I will choose a path that's clear I will choose a path that's clear Voy a elegir un camino que está claro I will choose free will I will choose free will Voy a elegir libre There are those who think that They've been dealt a losing hand There are those who think that They've been dealt a losing hand Hay quienes piensan que han sido tratadas una mano perdedora The cards were stacked against them --- The cards were stacked against them --- Las tarjetas estaban en su contra --- They weren't born in Lotus-Land They weren't born in Lotus-Land Ellos no nacieron en Lotus-Land All preordained All preordained todos los predestinados A prisoner in chains A prisoner in chains Un prisionero encadenado A victim of venomous fate A victim of venomous fate Una víctima del destino venenoso Kicked in the face Kicked in the face Patada en la cara You can't pray for a place You can't pray for a place No se puede orar por un lugar In heaven's unearthly estate In heaven's unearthly estate En bienes sobrenaturales del cielo Each of us Each of us Cada uno de nosotros A cell of awareness A cell of awareness Una célula de la conciencia Imperfect and incomplete Imperfect and incomplete Imperfecta e incompleta Genetic blends Genetic blends mezcla genética With uncertain ends With uncertain ends Con fines inciertos On a fortune hunt On a fortune hunt En una caza fortuna That's far too fleet... That's far too fleet... Eso es demasiado flota ...

Composição: Geddy Lee/Alex Lifeson/Neil Peart

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