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Livre Arbítrio

Words by Neil Peart, Music by Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson Words by Neil Peart, Music by Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson Palavras por Neil Peart, Musica por Geddy Lee e Alex Lifeson There are those who think that life There are those who think that life Há aqueles que pensam que a vida Has nothing left to chance Has nothing left to chance não deixou nenhuma oportunidade, With a host of holy horrors With a host of holy horrors Um lugar de horrores santos To direct our aimless dance To direct our aimless dance Que direciona nossa dança sem propósito. A planet of playthings A planet of playthings Um planeta de marionetes, We dance on the strings We dance on the strings Nós dançamos numa corda Of powers we cannot perceive Of powers we cannot perceive De forças sobrenaturais "The stars aren't aligned --- "The stars aren't aligned --- "As estrelas não estão alinhadas --- Or the gods are malign" Or the gods are malign" Ou os deuses são malignos" Blame is better to give than receive Blame is better to give than receive Culpa é melhor de dar do que receber You can choose a ready guide You can choose a ready guide Você pode escolher um guia pronto In some celestial voice In some celestial voice em alguma voz celestial If you choose not to decide If you choose not to decide Se você escolher não decidir, You still have made a choice You still have made a choice ainda assim você fez uma escolha You can choose from phantom fears You can choose from phantom fears Você pode escolher entre medos And kindness that can kill And kindness that can kill fantasma e gentilezas que podem matar I will choose a path that's clear I will choose a path that's clear Eu escolherei um caminho que é iluminado I will choose free will I will choose free will Eu escolherei livre arbítrio There are those who think that They've been dealt a losing hand There are those who think that They've been dealt a losing hand Há aqueles que pensam que estão lidando com uma mão perdida, The cards were stacked against them --- The cards were stacked against them --- As cartas foram embaralhadas contra eles --- They weren't born in Lotus-Land They weren't born in Lotus-Land eles não nasceram em Lotus-Land. All preordained All preordained Tudo preordenado A prisoner in chains A prisoner in chains Um prisioneiro acorrentado A victim of venomous fate A victim of venomous fate Uma vítima de má sorte Kicked in the face Kicked in the face Chutado na cara You can't pray for a place You can't pray for a place Você não pode rezar por um lugar In heaven's unearthly estate In heaven's unearthly estate No estado não-terreno do céu. Each of us Each of us Cada um de nós A cell of awareness A cell of awareness Uma célula de consciência Imperfect and incomplete Imperfect and incomplete Imperfeita e incompleta Genetic blends Genetic blends Misturas genéticas With uncertain ends With uncertain ends Com fins incertos On a fortune hunt On a fortune hunt Numa caçada de sorte That's far too fleet... That's far too fleet... que está longe de acabar....

Composição: Geddy Lee/Alex Lifeson/Neil Peart

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