Here the soil is barren Here the soil is barren Tríptico Here nothing grows but crosses Here nothing grows but crosses Aqui o solo é estéril They know not what they do They know not what they do Aqui - nada cresce You - your forgiveness falls as dew You - your forgiveness falls as dew Mas cruzes Nailed upon a wooden frame Nailed upon a wooden frame Eles - não sabem o que fazer Twisted yet unbroken Twisted yet unbroken Você - seu perdão Open mounted a silent choir Open mounted a silent choir Cai como orvalho Understood, unspoken Understood, unspoken Pregado em cima de uma armação de madeira Never was there heard a sound Never was there heard a sound Torcida ainda intacta Until the heavens opened Until the heavens opened Abra montado um coro silencioso Now the tide is turning Now the tide is turning Entendido, não ditas To other wordly yearning To other wordly yearning Nunca houve ouviu um som Through the sun's eclipse seems final Through the sun's eclipse seems final Até os céus abertos Surely he will rise again Surely he will rise again Agora a maré está virando