
Under The Pillow

Under The Pillow

Hey you Hey you Ei Somewhere in the mirror Somewhere in the mirror Em algum lugar no espelho What happened today with your face What happened today with your face O que aconteceu hoje com o seu rosto Your eyes Your eyes Seus olhos Sank in their hollows Sank in their hollows Afundaram em suas cavidades And the ocean of your disgrace And the ocean of your disgrace E o oceano de sua desgraça It's no shame It's no shame Não é nenhuma vergonha You haven't done what you were supposed to You haven't done what you were supposed to Você não ter feito o que devia And did what you didn't want to And did what you didn't want to E ter feito o que não queria 1-Up! 1-Up! 1-Up! The amount of self-deception The amount of self-deception A quantidade de auto-engano Slowly starts killing you Slowly starts killing you Lentamente começa a matar você Inside Inside Por dentro You're faced You're faced Você se depara With a new decision With a new decision Com uma nova decisão Between the dawn and the day Between the dawn and the day Entre a madrugada e o dia Melting Melting Derretendo Between the life you got used to Between the life you got used to Entre a vida que você se acostumou And something you don't understand And something you don't understand E a algo que você não entende I know I know Eu sei It demands an effort It demands an effort Ela exige um esforço And the pills to get rid of this pain And the pills to get rid of this pain E as pílulas para se livrar dessa dor Not a chance Not a chance Sem chance I'm sorry, birdy I'm sorry, birdy Sinto muito, birdy I'm your favourite voice inside your head I'm your favourite voice inside your head Eu sou sua voz favorita dentro de sua cabeça Hey you, Hey you, Ei, Rise and shine! Rise and shine! Levante e brilhe! You must learn to stand your ground You must learn to stand your ground Você deve aprender a defender seu território How long can you hold your breath under the pillow? How long can you hold your breath under the pillow? Quanto tempo você pode prender a respiração debaixo do travesseiro? You kept yourself to yourself You kept yourself to yourself Você manteve-se a si mesmo Day by day Day by day Dia a dia Growing delusions in the blue flowerpots Growing delusions in the blue flowerpots Crescendo delírios nos vasos de flores azuis Your filter bubble Your filter bubble Sua bolha de filtro On the touchscreen display On the touchscreen display Na tela touchscreen Has recommended to you Has recommended to you Tem recomendado a você What you should want What you should want O que você deve querer While you've been watching too much daytime tv While you've been watching too much daytime tv Enquanto você tem assistido muita tv diurna Dreaming on demand Dreaming on demand Sonhando sob demanda Your "from tomorrow" just became "yesterday" Your "from tomorrow" just became "yesterday" Seu "a partir de amanhã" só se tornou "ontem" Made you crawl again Made you crawl again Fez você se rastejar novamente Under the bed covers Under the bed covers Sob as colchas de cama Hey you Hey you Ei Rise and shine! Rise and shine! Levante e brilhe! You must learn to stand your ground You must learn to stand your ground Você deve aprender a defender seu território How long can you hold your breath under the pillow? How long can you hold your breath under the pillow? Quanto tempo você pode prender a respiração debaixo do travesseiro? How long can you hold your breath under the pillow? How long can you hold your breath under the pillow? Quanto tempo você pode prender a respiração debaixo do travesseiro? How long can you hold your breath under the pillow? How long can you hold your breath under the pillow? Quanto tempo você pode prender a respiração debaixo do travesseiro?

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